050521 NPT再検討会議の審議状況(日本政府 5年凍結構想に反対表明)
NPT再検討会議の第3委員会では、原子力平和利用と核拡散問題との関係(エルバラダイ構想等を含む)が主に議論されていますが、同委員会で日本政府代表が行なった演説と、その他の委員会の審議状況(いずれも新聞報道による)をご紹介します。なお日本政府代表演説の全文(英文)はRCM=Reaching Critical MassのHP、
◆ 5年凍結構想に反対表明/核燃サイクルで日本政府 [共同通信]
◆ Japan opposes moratorium on new fuel cycle
plants at NPT confab (Friday May 20, 11:10 AM)
(Kyodo) _ Japan reiterated Thursday at the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty review conference its opposition to the International Atomic Energy
Agency chief's proposal for a voluntary moratorium on new nuclear fuel cycle
Takeshi Nakane, Japan's delegate to the talks, said Japan
believes IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei's proposed five-year moratorium
is not appropriate and is likely to obstruct the use of atomic energy for
peaceful purposes under long-term programs.
Speaking at a main committee
meeting, Nakane also said ample discussion should be conducted on the proposal
for setting up international management of uranium enrichment and reprocessing
facilities, such as how it could contribute to the strengthening of the
nonproliferation framework.
Nakane is deputy director general of the Foreign
Ministry's Disarmament, Nonproliferation and Science Department.
proposed the moratorium in his speech on May 2 at the opening ceremony of the
2005 Review Conference of the NPT.
Last October, Japan's Atomic Energy
Commission decided to maintain the current nuclear energy policy of reprocessing
spent nuclear fuel instead of burying it.
A new reprocessing plant at
Rokkasho, Aomori Prefecture, is scheduled to begin operations in 2007 after
starting a test run in December this year. Scientists have said the plant's
capacity of extracting about 8 tons of plutonium a year from spent fuel is
enough to make 1,000 atomic bombs.
The NPT review conference opened at the
U.N. headquarters on May 2 and will continue until May 27.
◆ 米・イラン、委員会初日から非難応酬 NPT再検討会議 (朝日新聞 2005年05月20日(金))
◆北朝鮮の核実験許さず NPT会議が実質討議(共同通信 2005年05月20日)