Keeping nuclear weapons out of the hands of terrorists begins with
nation accepting its responsibilities as a sovereign state to exercise
trade and border controls or regulation of nuclear materials and
facilities in line with international nonproliferation regimes, Ambassador
Linton Brooks said March 16.
Prevention of nuclear terrorism and
traditional nonproliferation
programs form two halves of the same
walnut,・Brooks said. We cannot
treat them as separate
The ambassador, speaking to the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA)
Conference on Nuclear Security in London, said an integrated
which combines conventional anti-terror activities, such a securing
nuclear material, with a strengthened regime is needed.
Brooks is
the administrator of the U.S. National Nuclear Security
An approach that rests on the principle of sovereign
responsibility will
work best when nonproliferation regimes are strong,・he
Regrettably the patchwork of treaties, arrangements, and state
obligations that form the nonproliferation regime are facing serious
Brooks laid out four proposals President Bush made in
February to
"translate into action" the existing international consensus
proliferation cannot be tolerated and must be stopped to avoid
catastrophic nuclear terrorism:
-- Expanded efforts to secure
high-risk materials, including stopping the
further production of fissile
material usable in weapons;
-- Scrupulous compliance with international
nonproliferation efforts,
whether under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
(NPT), IAEA safeguards,
international nuclear and radiological conventions,
or the new U.N.
Security Council Resolution 1540 which calls on all states
to act
cooperatively to prevent illicit trafficking in weapons of mass
destruction (WMD), their means of delivery, and related materials;
Preservation of the integrity of the NPT and IAEA safeguards through
enforcement, toward which President Bush has called for the creation
of a
special IAEA verification committee; and
-- A halt to the proliferation
of enrichment and reprocessing technology.
Unfortunately, Brooks
explained, the NPT's right to peaceful nuclear
cooperation (Article IV)
makes no distinction between sensitive fuel cycle
and other nuclear
technologies. Recognizing this risk, President Bush last
year proposed that
supplier nations refrain from transferring enrichment
and reprocessing
technologies to states that did not already possess
full-scale, functioning
enrichment and reprocessing plants.・
In relation to these proposals,
Brooks spoke of the importance of the
Proliferation Security Initiative
(PSI), a program in which the United
State and many other countries
participate to share information and, under
national and international laws,
seize illegal shipments of weapons of
mass destruction, their delivery
systems, and related materials that pass
through their own or international
travel lanes.
Knowing what we now know about the sophistication of the
nuclear black
market,・he said, if trade controls fail, then countering
through the interdiction of trade is clearly
The ambassador urged all signatories to the NPT to complete the
Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA, build the infrastructure
necessary to
control exports and monitor borders for illicit trade in WMD,
and work
cooperatively to combat nuclear threats.
institutions express the will of their members,・Brooks
said. If we are
dissatisfied with regime performance, then the burden
falls on us -- the
peaceful, cooperative governments -- to correct
deficiencies and demand
redress, including earlier intervention by the
United Nations Security
Council, from those who violate their treaty and
international safeguards
The three-day conference, which ended March 18, was
attended by
representatives of 76 countries. The United Kingdom, as a
consequence of
holding the presidency of the Group of Eight nations (G8) in
2005, served
as host for this event.
The G8 include Canada, France,
Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom,
the United States and
Following is the transcript of Brooks・remarks:
Remarks, as delivered, by Ambassador Linton F.
Administrator, National Nuclear Security Administration
International Conference on Nuclear Security
16 March 2005
Preventing Nuclear Terrorism: Towards an Integrative
Let me thank the organizers, in
particular the United Kingdom and the
International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA), for hosting a conference on a
concern -- nuclear terrorism -- of
such transcendent importance.
Today, the threat of nuclear terrorism is
in the center of the U.S. and
international security agenda. It was not
always so. Only after the
September 11th terrorist attacks and subsequent
attacks around the world
has the international community mobilized to
confront the specter of
terrorists armed with mass destruction
We can all take pride in the important work and steps taken to
nuclear terrorism in the four years since September 11th. Progress
underway to improve security of nuclear and radioactive materials, to
update anti-terror norms and controls over nuclear technologies, and to
heighten awareness of dangers arising from nuclear terrorism, thanks in
part to conferences like this.
As impressive as these gains may be,
far more remains to be done to keep
nuclear and radiological weapons out of
the hands of terrorists and states
that sponsor them. A useful step forward
would be to move towards an
integrated strategy that joins more conventional
anti-nuclear terror
activities - i.e., securing nuclear and radioactive
assets against theft
and sabotage - with efforts to strengthen the core of
the nonproliferation
regime - i.e., safeguards, physical protection, export
controls and
strengthened treaty regimes - to prevent terrorist acquisition
brokering in WMD technologies. Prevention of nuclear terrorism and
traditional nonproliferation programs form two halves of the same walnut;
we cannot treat them as separate enterprises.
Responsibility: A Starting Point
The fight against nuclear terrorism
must involve all states.
Opportunities for terrorists and their supporters
to access weapons
capabilities are expanding beyond national borders, as
illustrated by the
A.Q. Khan network and its ability to manufacture
components off-shore and
move weapons-related technology to clandestine
This panel is to address lessons for the future, the first
one is that
as a matter of principle, unless all states acceptsovereign
over activities under their jurisdiction and control --
whether that is
trade and border controls or regulation of nuclear materials
or nuclear
facilities that are in conformance with international regimes --
we risk
some future, catastrophic act of nuclear terror. This is a future
that we
have a collective responsibility to avoid.
President's Nonproliferation Initiatives
An approach that rests on the
principle of sovereign responsibility will
work best when nonproliferation
regimes are strong. Regrettably, the
patchwork of treaties, arrangements,
and state obligations that form the
nonproliferation regime are facing
serious challenges.
Last February, President Bush highlighted nuclear
proliferation dangers
and called on the international community to
"translate into action" the
consensus that proliferation cannot be tolerated
and must be stopped. Let
me group the President's proposals into four
imperatives and comment
briefly on each.
First, efforts to secure
high-risk materials must be expanded. This is
an important area of work for
the United States and our G8 and other
partners. Cooperation with Russia,
given its vast stores of
weapons-suitable material, is naturally a
first-order priority. Our
strategy to ensure the security of weapons
material has five core
-- Stopping the further production
of fissile material usable in
-- Consolidating high-risk
material and repatriating fresh and spent HEU
[highly-enriched uranium] from
research reactors;
-- Protecting vulnerable nuclear and radioactive
materials by
accelerating security upgrades and deploying detection systems
strategic transit points worldwide;
-- Eliminating excess
weapons-grade plutonium, continuing to down blend
excess HEU for commercial
power and, to the extent possible, ending the
use of HEU in civil nuclear
applications; and
-- Ensuring that sustainable national nuclear
regulatory programs are in
place to keep nuclear materials and facilities
under proper control.
This cooperation has yielded tremendous progress
in recent years,
protecting or eliminating fissile material equivalent to
many hundreds of
nuclear weapons.
Newer initiatives like the U.S.
Global Threat Reduction Initiative are
moving forward to build international
support for national efforts to
identify, secure, recover, and facilitate
the disposition of nuclear and
radioactive materials of possible interest to
terrorists. Since last
September, this initiative has repatriated fresh HEU
fuel from Uzbekistan
and the Czech Republic to Russia, initiated regional
training programs,
and initiated more than 10 other joint projects.
As the two largest nuclear states, a special burden falls on the United
States and Russia to keep nuclear and radioactive materials out of the
hands of terrorists. Cooperation with Russia on nuclear security will
remain a priority for the United States. Cooperative programs have wide
support, are well funded, and are a regular discussion item between the
U.S. and Russian governments, as was indicated by the recent Joint
Statement on Nuclear Security Cooperation at the Bush-Putin meeting in
Bratislava. An important and growing element of our cooperation is to
exchange best practices, first with one another and subsequently with all
states and with the IAEA. No matter how good a security system is, there
is always something to learn in exchanges with other professionals.
The United States is not advocating measures for others that it is
to accept for itself. We are tightening regulatory controls and
dramatically improved our internal security posture. We have
additional protective barriers external to facilities, and
upgraded existing
barriers for increased strengthening. Our perimeter
alarm systems have been
enhanced to counter the increased threat, and we
have strengthened security
to protect sensitive shipments. Facility
access controls for employees and
visitors to our facilities have been
upgraded, and we have enhanced our
protective forces training to focus on
tactical training to oppose
terrorists. We take this threat very
Second, states
must scrupulously comply with international
nonproliferation undertakings,
whether under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty (NPT), IAEA safeguards,
international nuclear and radiological
conventions, or the new UN Security
Council Resolution 1540.
The NPT requires that all states complete a
safeguards agreement with
the IAEA; yet more than 30 Treaty states have yet
to do so. Many fewer
states have signed, much less ratified the Additional
Protocol to IAEA
safeguards or have the infrastructure to control exports or
borders for illicit, WMD-related trade. This lucrative opportunity
potential proliferators must be eliminated. I am proud of the leadership
my government has shown in signing and ratifying the Additional Protocol,
which, as the President has recommended, must become a new universal
standard for nonproliferation.
Knowing what we now know about the
sophistication of the nuclear black
market, if trade controls fail then
countering proliferation through the
interdiction of trade is clearly
needed. This is the purpose of the
Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI),
launched by the United States and
others in 2003 to promote interdiction
principles, share information and
conduct operational exercises. Resolution
1540 and PSI come together in
an important respect: in order for
interdiction to succeed, states must
have the legal basis and means both to
identify and hold seized trade.
The global reach of the A.Q. Khan
network was telling in this regard.
Consider the report of the Malaysian
Inspector-General of Police
concerning the involvement of a Malaysian
company in the Libyan nuclear
procurement ring. According to this report,
nuclear specialists within
Malaysia were unable to identify controlled
components as those that might
contribute to Libya's uranium enrichment
program. This experience was
repeated in other countries, and suggests that
unless states take
seriously their domestic responsibilities to control
activities under
their jurisdiction, the gaps exploited by the Khan network
will continue
to be open to tomorrow's proliferators and
In addition to greater vigilance by states, targeted and
programs of assistance are also needed. The United States
cooperative exchange programs on export control, border security,
physical protection to redress these implementation gaps. The programs
have expanded in recent years to include more than 50 countries in every
major region of the world.
The international community must also
consider how it can respond to
states that take the responsible course of
abandoning weapons of mass
destruction. The United States recently expanded
efforts to redirect
former Soviet weapons scientists towards peaceful
commercial employment to
include Libyan and Iraqi scientists. These efforts
are needed to prevent
leakage of WMD know-how, but they also aid states that
have turned away
from the pursuit of weapons of mass destruction to build
their economies
and science and technology base.
More could be done
to improve coordination of international outreach
programs, including use of
the IAEA and Organization for the Prohibition
of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to
inform members of 1540 requirements and
facilitate training activities or
elaborate "codes of conduct" and "best
practices" for industry and nuclear
Third, the integrity of the NPT and IAEA safeguards must be
especially in regions linked to terrorism, religious extremism,
and long
histories of armed conflict. Though the articles of the NPT and
original IAEA safeguards agreement were drawn up years ago, they remain
relevant in today's world. Our goal must be to ensure that these
arrangements are strengthened, complied with, and fully enforced.
Some argue that proliferation in North Korea, Iran, and, before it
Libya, tell the troubling story of an NPT too outdated or
weakened to blunt
nuclear proliferation. The United States believes this
critique is
misplaced. Nonproliferation institutions express the will of
members. If we are dissatisfied with regime performance, then the
falls on us -- the peaceful, cooperative governments -- to correct
deficiencies and demand redress, including earlier intervention by the
United Nations Security Council, from those who violate their treaty and
international safeguards obligations.
To brace IAEA safeguards,
President Bush has called for the creation of
a special IAEA verification
committee to monitor and enforce compliance
with nuclear nonproliferation
obligations. Terms of reference for this
committee are now under
consideration by the IAEA's Board of Governors.
We look forward to
examining ways in which IAEA verification authorities
can be improved or
even expanded. Equally encouraging is the creation of
new units within the
IAEA to review commercial satellite imagery and
monitor foreign
procurements. To the extent these new capabilities
provide the IAEA with
earlier warning of evasive activities, they should
be a welcome addition to
IAEA safeguards and our common nonproliferation
and anti-nuclear terror
For safeguards and global security measures to be fully
effective, we
need full implementation of new instruments that address
nuclear terror.
The United States was a strong proponent of efforts last
year to complete
new Export/Import Guidance for the IAEA Code of Conduct on
the Safety and
Security of Radioactive Sources. Implementation of this
Guidance is
essential for controlling beneficial civilian devices when
exported from
one country to another and for preventing their theft or use
in malicious
acts, such as detonation of a dirty bomb. This year, we hope
for similar
success to update the Convention on the Physical Protection of
Material. The Code and Convention are integral parts in the
prevention of
nuclear and radiological terrorism, and we will work with
others to ensure
these instruments are universally applied.
President Bush and the other G8 leaders urged all states to implement
revised Code of Conduct and recognize it as a global standard at the
Island Summit last year. We call upon all Member States to apply the
revised Code of Conduct to prevent diversion of sources and acts of
radiological terrorism.
Fourth, the proliferation of enrichment and
reprocessing technology must
be stopped. While terrorist acquisition of an
enrichment plant is a low
risk, the continuing spread of sensitive nuclear
technologies can only
create greater opportunities for sub-state actors to
acquire weapons
materials. Libya, Iran, and North Korea all to one degree
or another
benefited from the illicit acquisition of enrichment or
technologies. Unfortunately, the NPT's right to peaceful
cooperation (Article IV) makes no distinction between sensitive fuel
and other nuclear technologies.
Recognizing this risk,
President Bush last year proposed that supplier
nations refrain from
transferring enrichment and reprocessing technologies
to states that did not
already possess full-scale, functioning enrichment
and reprocessing plants.
The Nuclear Suppliers Group and G8 nations
continue to examine this
proposal, as well as others that would establish
solid eligibility criteria
for receipt of such transfers and make the
Additional Protocol a new
condition of peaceful nuclear trade.
the opening of the nuclear age, Albert Einstein warned that the
advent of
nuclear fission had changed everything except the way we think,
and thus we
drift towards disaster. Einstein's world of one or two
masters of nuclear
technology was far different from the one we live in
today, in which nuclear
science and materials are widely spread, but the
risk of disaster remains.
Nuclear security in today's age of terrorism
requires global participation,
not just by national governments, but also
by police forces, border guards,
cities, communities, harbors, research
institutes, and factories.
With a concerted and action-oriented approach to combat nuclear
proliferation threats, one that involves the cooperation and input of
nations and respect for international agreements, norms, and standards,
the United States is convinced that the consensus against proliferation
will, as President Bush suggested, be "translated into action."
Thank you for your attention.
(end text)
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Department of State. Web