050323 「21世紀のための原子力国際会議」(IAEA主催:パリ)におけるエルバラダイ演説
ちなみに、この演説では、使用済燃料に関しては「多国間アプローチ(multinational approaches)」といっており、専門家グループが「multinational approachesとmultilateral approachesは異なる」と主張していたことには余り拘泥していないようです。(シグナスX−1氏の評価。情報提供も同氏)
Nuclear Power: Preparing for the
Director General Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei
It is a pleasure for me to address
this conference on nuclear power for the 21st Century. Today I will discuss a
few aspects of the evolving global scenario for nuclear power. All indicators
show that an increased level of emphasis on subjects such as fast growing energy
demands, security of energy supply, and the risk of climate change are driving a
re-consideration, in some quarters, of the need for greater investment in
nuclear power.
The decisions that emerge from this debate will have long
range implications, and require a degree of planning that looks at least several
decades into the future. This morning I would like to offer a brief review of
the current picture, and to outline a number of issues that, in my view, will be
crucial in determining the contribution of nuclear power to the future global
energy mix.
The Global Energy Imbalance
But I would like to
begin by placing these topics in context ? the context of our current global
energy imbalance. I was personally reminded of this imbalance on a recent trip
to Ghana and Nigeria. Per capita electricity consumption in Ghana is only about
300 kilowatt-hours per year, and in Nigeria it´s closer to 70 kilowatt-hours per
year. That translates to an average availability of 8 watts ? less than a normal
light bulb ? for each Nigerian citizen.
Contrast that with France, where
per capita consumption is over 7300 kilowatt-hours per year ? a factor of 100
times greater ? slightly less than the OECD average of 8000 kilowatt hours per
year, and well below the consumption rates, for example, in Scandinavian
The imbalance in energy availability in developed versus
developing countries is a matter of great impact. When we consider the
Millennium Development Goals proposed just five years ago ? such as the
eradication of poverty and hunger, universal access to fresh water, and improved
health care ? it is quickly evident that the availability of energy overall, and
electricity in particular, is central to our ability as an international
community to deliver on each of those goals.
The disparity in energy
supply is directly related to the disparity in standards of living, which in
turn creates disparities in opportunity and hope ? and, I would contend, leads
to the sort of despair and insecurity that give rise to tensions in many regions
of the developing world. Here, in the "City of Light", it might be easy to
forget the common estimate that approximately 1.6 billion people around the
world lack access to modern energy services; but as we look to the century that
lies before us, "connecting the unconnected" will be a key to
The Expected Substantial Growth in Energy
Given this context, any discussion of the energy sector in the
21st century must begin by acknowledging the expected substantial growth in
energy demand in the coming decades. This expectation is based on three factors:
the drive to raise living standards in the developing world to which I have
already alluded, continued population growth, and the never-ceasing expansion in
consumer products and technologies that increase the quality of life but consume
additional energy.
Let me illustrate. If the developing world were raised
to the global average energy consumption rate ? about half the standard of
Eastern Europe ? the net result would be a 35% increase in global energy use. If
we account for the population growth predicted by 2020, the net increase would
be 60%. So it should be no surprise that even the most conservative estimates
predict at least a doubling of energy usage by mid-century.
Current Picture: An Emerging Focus on Nuclear Power
What remains
unclear, of course, is what role nuclear energy will play in meeting this
increased demand. While the current outlook remains mixed, there is clearly a
sense of rising expectations for nuclear power. The near term projections
released in 2004 by both the IAEA and the OECD International Energy Agency are
markedly different from those of just four years ago. The IAEA´s low projection
? based on the most conservative assumptions ? predicts 427 gigawatts of global
nuclear capacity in 2020, the equivalent of 127 more 1000 megawatt nuclear
plants than previous projections.
This change of expectation is rooted in
specific plans and actions in a number of countries to expand nuclear power. The
new expectations regarding nuclear power, particularly over the longer term,
have also been strengthened by the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol. In
the past, the virtual absence of restrictions or taxes on greenhouse gas
emissions has meant that nuclear power´s advantage ? of low emissions ? has had
no tangible economic value. The widespread, coordinated emission restrictions of
the Kyoto Protocol will likely change that over the longer term.
China plans to raise its total installed nuclear electricity
generating capacity from the current 6.5 gigawatts to 36 gigawatts by 2020.
India plans to expand its nuclear capacity 10-fold by 2022, and 100-fold by
mid-century. The Russian Federation plans to raise its nuclear capacity from the
current 22 gigawatts to 40?45 gigawatts by 2020.
Elsewhere, plans remain
more moderate, but it is clear that nuclear energy is regaining stature as a
serious option. When Finland pours the concrete for Olkiluoto-3 later this year,
it will be the first new nuclear construction in Western Europe since 1991 ? and
Elecricite de France has recently selected Flamanville as the site of a European
Pressurized Water Reactor, with construction set for 2007. The new European
Union accession countries, as well as other Eastern European countries with
nuclear power, have expressed a determination to retain and expand the nuclear
option. Even in Poland, where nuclear development was halted by Parliamentary
decision in 1990, the Council of Ministers earlier this year approved a draft
energy policy that explicitly includes nuclear power.
In the United
States, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission by the end of last year had approved
30 extensions of nuclear plant licences of 20 years each. To date, about three
quarters of the USA´s 104 nuclear power plants have applied or stated their
intention to apply for licence extensions. The US Department of Energy has also
approved financial assistance to two industry consortia for nuclear power plant
licensing demonstration projects, which would make new nuclear construction in
the USA a near-term possibility.
Increased Availability, Sustained
Safety Performance, Improved Economics
Much of the increase in nuclear
generating capacity over the past decade has been credited not to new
construction, but to the increased availability of existing plants ? a change
tied directly to improvements in global safety performance. To understand the
current picture, it is important to understand this trend.
The accident
at Chernobyl in 1986 prompted the creation of the World Association of Nuclear
Operators (WANO), and revolutionized the IAEA approach to nuclear power plant
safety. Both organizations created networks to conduct peer reviews, compare
safety practices, and exchange vital operating information to improve safety
performance. The IAEA updated its body of safety standards to reflect best
industry practices, and put in place legally binding norms in the form of
international safety conventions. And a more systematic analysis of risk has
been used to ensure that changes made were in areas that would bring the
greatest safety return.
Although the focus of this international effort
was on improving safety, the secondary benefit was a steady increase in nuclear
plant availability and productivity ? an increase also supported by improved
management, better preventive maintenance practices and technological
enhancements. In 1990, nuclear plants on average were generating electricity 71%
of the time. As of 2003, that figure stood at 81% ? an improvement in
productivity equal to adding more than 25 new 1000 megawatt nuclear plants ? all
at relatively minimal cost.
The result is that existing well-run nuclear
power plants have become increasingly valuable assets. Although the initial
capital cost of a nuclear plant is high, the operating costs have become
relatively low and stable. These improvements to safety and economics have not
escaped the notice of investors. They have been a strong factor in decisions to
extend the licences of existing plants in the United States and elsewhere, and
they are providing impetus for renewed consideration of new nuclear
Clearly, however, not every country shares the view that
improved economics and safety performance warrant a revival of nuclear power.
For example, here in Western Europe, four countries ? Belgium, Germany, the
Netherlands and Sweden ? currently have nuclear phase-out policies in place; and
a number of others, including Austria, Denmark and Ireland, have stated policies
against nuclear power. This divergence of opinion is to be expected; each
country and region faces a different set of variables when choosing its energy
strategy, and energy decisions cannot be made on a "one-size-fits-all"
New nuclear power plants remain the most attractive in countries
and regions where energy demand growth is rapid, alternative resources are
scarce, energy supply security is a priority, and nuclear power is important for
reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
Shaping the
Future: Critical Issues
Overall, the current picture remains mixed,
and projections for the future of nuclear power vary widely depending on what
assumptions are made. In my view, the primary value of these projections is that
they highlight the factors that will influence the future of nuclear power. I
would like to examine a few such issues.
Carbon Emissions and the
Growth in Demand
The first issue is the degree to which global attention
remains focused on limiting greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the risk of
climate change. With the projected growth in energy demand I have already
mentioned, the degree to which fossil fuels are tapped to meet this demand could
have a major negative environmental impact.
Nuclear power emits virtually
no greenhouse gases. The complete nuclear power chain, from uranium mining to
waste disposal, and including reactor and facility construction, emits only 2?6
grams of carbon per kilowatt-hour. This is about the same as wind and solar
power, and one to two orders of magnitude below coal, oil and even natural gas.
Worldwide, if the existing nuclear power plants were shut down and replaced with
a mix of non-nuclear sources proportionate to what now exists, the result would
be an increase of 600 million tonnes of carbon per year. That is approximately
twice the total amount that we estimate will be avoided by the Kyoto Protocol in
Nuclear should not be viewed as being in competition with
"renewable" sources of energy, such as wind, solar and geothermal plants. In
fact, nuclear energy is not in competition, per se, with any technology. But
with the reduction of carbon emissions becoming a top priority, both nuclear and
these renewable sources could have much larger roles to play. The problem is
that no "renewable" source has been demonstrated to have the capacity to provide
the "baseload" amounts of power needed to replace large fossil fuel plants. Wind
power, for example, may be an excellent choice for sparsely populated rural
economies, particularly if they lack modern electrical infrastructure; on the
other hand, it seems unlikely that wind power will be able to support the
electricity needs of tomorrow´s mega-cities.
Security of
A second factor is the current emphasis for many countries on
ensuring the security of energy supply. The January 2004 Green Paper on Europe´s
supply security estimated that business-as-usual would increase dependency on
imported energy from its current 50% to about 70% in 2030. A similar concern
drove nuclear power investment in Europe and North America during the oil crisis
of the 1970s. Large uranium resources in a given country or region are not a
necessary pre-condition for nuclear energy security, given the diverse global
roster of stable uranium producers, and the small storage space required for a
long term nuclear fuel supply.
Public Perceptions and Misconceptions:
Shaping National Choices
A third factor concerns the influence that
public perceptions ? including perceptions of risk ? have on a country´s energy
choices. Nuclear energy has long been marked by feelings of unease and concerns
about safety and waste. Nuclear power was dealt a heavy blow by the tragedy of
the 1986 Chernobyl accident (a blow from which the reputation of the nuclear
industry has never fully recovered). Little distinction has been made, in the
media or in public understanding, between the design characteristics of the
Chernobyl reactor and the hundreds of other reactors in operation around the
world ? nor have we properly publicized the array of measures put in place since
Chernobyl to offset the possibility of another severe nuclear
The failure of the nuclear community ? both scientists and
technical experts, operators and regulators ? to effectively "market" the
strength of nuclear power in comparison with other sources, has contributed to a
lack of public understanding regarding risks and benefits of nuclear energy.
Common misconceptions can be of great influence in shaping public acceptance of
nuclear power. How a given nation balances the risk of a nuclear accident
against other factors ? such as air pollution, dammed rivers, mining accidents,
or dependency on foreign fuel supplies ? is already a matter of complexity and
legitimate debate. It is important for the nuclear community to make every
effort to provide comprehensible, accurate information to support that debate,
to ensure that the risks and benefits of nuclear technology are clearly and
fairly understood.
Performance in Addressing Key Concerns: Safety,
Waste Disposal and Security
An extremely important factor ? and one over
which the nuclear community has some degree of control ? is the ongoing
performance of the nuclear industry in addressing key concerns related to
nuclear power: namely, safety, waste disposal and, more recently,
Nuclear Safety
As I have already mentioned, the
development of strong international nuclear safety networks over the past two
decades has paid off, and I feel confident in saying that nuclear safety has
significantly improved. But we should not rest on our laurels. As nuclear power
technology continues to spread to new countries, as new reactor designs are
developed and put to use, and as the licences of existing plants are extended,
it is essential that existing safety standards, operational practices and
regulatory oversight are adapted ? and in some cases strengthened ? to ensure
acceptable levels of safety into the future.
Management and Disposal
of Spent Nuclear Fuel
In terms of actual implementation, the management
and disposal of spent nuclear fuel remains a challenge for the nuclear power
industry. When the actual amount of spent nuclear fuel produced globally every
year ? 12 000 tonnes ? is contrasted with the 25 billion tonnes of carbon waste
released directly into the atmosphere every year from fossil fuels, the amount
of nuclear waste seems relatively small. In addition, most technological hurdles
to spent fuel disposal or reprocessing have already been solved. But public
opinion will likely remain skeptical ? and nuclear waste disposal will likely
remain controversial ? until the first geological repositories are operational
and the disposal technologies fully demonstrated.
In this regard, the
greatest progress on deep geological disposal has been made in Finland, Sweden
and the USA. Finland´s Government and Parliament have approved a decision "in
principle" to build a final repository for spent fuel near Olkiluoto.
Construction should start in 2011 and operation in 2020. Sweden has begun
detailed geological investigations at two candidate sites, and hopes to make a
final site proposal by about 2007. In the US, the President and Congress in 2002
approved proceeding with the disposal site at Yucca Mountain, where operations
are planned to begin by about 2012.
For some time, I have been advocating
the consideration of multinational approaches to spent fuel management and
disposal. More than 50 countries have spent nuclear fuel, including fuel from
research reactors, stored in temporary sites, awaiting disposal or reprocessing.
Not all countries have the right geology to store waste underground and, for
many countries with small nuclear programmes, the costs of such a facility would
be prohibitive.
Nuclear Security
Nuclear security has also
gained importance in recent years. The September 2001 terrorist attacks in the
United States naturally led to the re-evaluation of security in every industrial
sector, including nuclear power. Both national and international nuclear
security activities have greatly expanded in scope and volume; in the past two
years, we in the IAEA have worked on every continent to help countries better
control their nuclear material and radiological sources, protect their nuclear
facilities and strengthen border controls. Here, too, the international
community is making good progress; while much remains to be done, nuclear
installations around the world have strengthened security forces, added
protective barriers, and taken other measures commensurate with current security
risks and vulnerabilities.
Technological and Policy
Last but by no means least, the future contribution of nuclear
power will be greatly impacted by innovation ? the development of new reactor
and fuel cycle technologies. To be successful, these innovative technologies
should address concerns related to nuclear safety, proliferation and waste
generation ? and must be able to generate electricity at competitive prices.
From a technical standpoint, this implies a greater reliance on passive safety
features, enhanced control of nuclear materials through new fuel configurations,
and design features that allow reduced construction times and lower operating
costs. And the innovation must be more than purely technical: policy approaches
must be put in place that enable reliable construction schedules, licensing
review procedures, and other factors affecting cost and consumer
As I have already said, when considering energy options, a
"one-size-fits-all" approach is not feasible. For example, during a recent trip
to India I noted that, of the nine Indian nuclear power plants currently under
construction, seven fall within the Agency’s definition of small and
medium-sized reactors. Four are "small" (less than 300 megawatts), and three are
"medium-sized" (between 300 and 700 megawatts).
Small and medium-sized
reactors allow a more incremental investment, provide a better match to grid
capacity in developing countries, and are more easily adapted to a broad range
of industrial settings and applications ? such as district heating and seawater
desalination. They are of particular interest to many of our developing country
Member States, and have thus been a consistent focus of Agency
Several projects around the world are moving towards
implementation. The Russian Federation already has a licensed design available
for construction: the KLT-40, a 60 megawatt reactor design that can be floated
and transported by barge, takes advantage of Russian experience with nuclear
powered ice-breakers and submarines, and can also be used for district heating.
The Republic of Korea has decided to construct by 2008 a one-fifth-scale
demonstration plant of its 330 megawatt SMART pressurized water reactor, which
will also include a demonstration desalination facility. And South Africa
recently approved initial funding for developing a demonstration unit of the 168
megawatt gas cooled Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR), due to be commissioned
around 2010.
IAEA Energy Assessments and Technology
One of the IAEA´s lesser known contributions to energy
development is our effort to build our Member States capacities for national
energy analysis and energy planning. The Agency helps developing countries ? and
economies in transition ? to build their energy planning capabilities with
respect to all three aspects of sustainable development ? economic,
environmental and social. We develop and transfer planning models tailored to
their special circumstances. We transfer the latest data on technologies,
resources and economics. We train local experts. We help with the analysis of
national options for meeting energy demands. And we help to establish the
continuing local planning expertise. IAEA energy planning tools are now used in
more than 100 countries around the world.
Our energy assessment models
treat all energy supply options equally. Each country or region faces a
different array of resources, alternatives and priorities when choosing its
energy strategy. For some rural poor, the best promise may be that offered by
off-grid renewables. But there is also a persistent migration around the world
to cities, and for the urban poor and the needs of growing mega-cities the
energy mix needs to include large centralized power generation to match large
centralized power demand.
While it is difficult
to predict with any confidence what the 21st century holds for nuclear power,
the factors that will shape its future are relatively evident. It is my hope
that, during this conference, we can consider how each of these factors can be
addressed, to ensure that nuclear energy remains a viable source of safe, secure
and environmentally benign energy.