Stephen G. Rademaker, Assistant Secretary of State for Arms
Remarks at a Panel Discussion at the Arms Control
Carnegie Endowment Building, Washington, DC
February 3, 2005
The United
States has long viewed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as
an essential instrument of international security. The importance of this Treaty
has only increased since 9/11, as our apprehensions have grown about the
potential threat of terrorists armed with weapons of mass destruction.
therefore view with great alarm the crisis of noncompliance that today faces the
NPT. If left unaddressed, this noncompliance will threaten the credibility and
viability of the Treaty itself. We find it especially troubling that countries
responsible for creating this crisis, including Iran and North Korea today, and
Libya and Iraq in the past, are also countries that have long been listed by the
United States as state sponsors of terrorism. These countries have an
established record of providing support to terrorist organizations, and we have
to worry that, should they acquire nuclear weapons, they might be tempted to
provide these weapons to their terrorist allies.
For these reasons, one of
our chief objectives at the upcoming NPT Review Conference will be to build a
consensus that strict compliance with the nonproliferation obligations of the
Treaty -- that is, Articles I, II, and III -- is fundamental to international
security, and that there must be effective and sustained international action in
cases of noncompliance to enforce the Treaty and deter future would-be
To strengthen compliance with the Treaty, we also will seek to
build a consensus that the Additional Protocol is the new minimum safeguards
standard, and that it should be universally implemented and adopted as a
condition of peaceful nuclear supply.
In addition, we will seek to build a
consensus that the benefits of peaceful nuclear cooperation, which are the
subject of Article IV of the Treaty, should not be available to those
governments in noncompliance with their nonproliferation obligations under
Articles II and III. All states parties must do a better job of preventing
Article IV -- sometimes called the "excuse Article" -- from being used to mask
prohibited activities, or to claim immunity from punitive measures once
prohibited activities are uncovered.
Of course, when we begin to talk about
compliance with the NPT, we often hear charges that the nuclear weapons states
in general, and the United States in particular, are not making enough progress
toward the goal of nuclear disarmament, are not taking specific steps deemed
important to nuclear disarmament, or, in the extreme, are not complying with
their obligations under Article VI of the NPT. Even worse, some claim that poor
performance by the nuclear weapons states under Article VI explains, or even
excuses, violations of the Treaty by such countries as Iran and North Korea.
Such thinking is not only, misguided, it is dangerous. The fact is that these
countries' violations are a serious threat to international peace and security
and require a strong international response regardless of how Article VI
implementation is perceived. But these charges against the United States are
utterly without foundation, and therefore this entire debate is a regrettable
distraction from the real compliance issues that confront the NPT and threaten
the security of all nations.
What Article VI Requires
I've been asked today to
address U.S. compliance with Article VI of the NPT. Critics of U.S. compliance
with Article VI point in many directions to make their case against us, but the
one direction in which they almost never point is the text of Article VI itself.
One might think this a bit odd considering that our legal obligations under the
NPT are defined in the Treaty text. But it is also understandable, because even
a cursory review of the Treaty text leaves so little doubt about our compliance
with the obligations set forth in Article VI that our critics would have little
to complain about if they restricted themselves to arguments based on the text
of that article. So typically they skip over Article VI itself and rely instead
on authorities outside the Treaty text itself, such as policy declarations,
government pronouncements, and the academic literature.
Needless to say, I
do not propose to skip over the text of Article VI, but rather to use it as the
starting point of my analysis, as it properly should be in any discussion of
compliance with Article VI. Article VI is just one sentence long, reading as
follows: Each of the Parties to the Treaty undertakes to pursue negotiations in
good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race
at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a Treaty on general and
complete disarmament under strict and effective international control.
Several points jump out immediately from this very short provision.
First, the provision nowhere refers specifically to the nuclear weapons
states. To the contrary, the obligations of Article VI clearly are imposed
equally on the nuclear weapons states and the non-nuclear weapons states,
although obviously the clauses relating to the nuclear arms race and nuclear
disarmament primarily affect the nuclear weapons states.
the obligation imposed on all NPT states parties is to "pursue negotiations in
good faith on effective measures. . ." Thus, Article VI does not literally
require the conclusion of "agreements" relating to disarmament. This is clear
from both the text and the negotiating history of the NPT. Although there were
proposals to require the nuclear weapons states to agree on certain specific
measures, the states negotiating the NPT recognized that it was not possible to
make a binding legal commitment in advance to reach agreement on such complex
measures. Nevertheless, the United States has engaged in negotiations relating
to cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament, and it has made
significant progress, as I will describe in a moment.
Third, Article
VI calls for negotiations aimed at three separate but related objectives:
the cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date;
disarmament; and
a Treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict
and effective international control. Fourth, the language of Article VI
establishes no timetable and sets no deadline for accomplishing these
objectives. The language does suggest that cessation of the nuclear arms race is
the most urgent of the three objectives, because the negotiations are to seek to
end that arms race "at an early date." But the language contains no suggestion
that nuclear disarmament is to be achieved before general and complete
disarmament is achieved. Nuclear disarmament would obviously be an element of
general and complete disarmament. At the same time, the text and negotiating
history of the NPT support the expectation that efforts toward complete nuclear
disarmament would be linked with efforts toward general and complete
disarmament. In short, there is a clear relationship between these two
objectives. It follows that if anyone wishes to argue that the nuclear weapons
states are in default on their obligations relating to nuclear disarmament, they
will have a difficult time explaining why all NPT states parties are not also in
default on their obligations relating to general and complete disarmament.
will not dwell on this, however, because the principal point I wish to make
today is that under any plausible interpretation of Article VI, the United
States is in full compliance with its obligations.
The Record of the United States
With regard to the
first objective of Article VI, that we "pursue negotiations in good faith on
effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early
date," I think it is manifest that this objective has been fully realized. The
nuclear arms race ended well over a decade ago, and since then both we and the
Russians have been working diligently to reduce our respective nuclear arsenals.
Some might argue that it was the end of the Cold War rather than negotiations in
accordance with Article VI that brought about the cessation of the nuclear arms
race, but such an argument would overlook the contribution that arms control
made to ending the Cold War. Taken collectively, the INF Treaty, the START
Treaty, and the CFE Treaty bracketed the end of the Cold War and helped lock in
place the non-confrontational relationship that exists between the United States
and Russia today.
With regard to the second objective of Article VI, that we
"pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to . . .
nuclear disarmament," I again think it is indisputable that we have more than
fulfilled our obligations. Ever since the NPT entered into force in 1970, we
have been negotiating and, in many cases, reaching agreement with first the
Soviet Union, and today Russia, on effective measures relating to nuclear
disarmament. Beginning with the SALT I Treaty in 1972, and continuing through
the INF and START I Treaties, we successfully concluded and brought into force
treaties that were highly effective in contributing to nuclear disarmament. To
be sure, we had some false starts along the way, such as the SALT II and START
II Treaties, which were signed but not brought into effect. But even these
treaties, unratified as they were, helped foster a climate of restraint that
contributed to nuclear disarmament. The result has been an impressive record of
achievement. Over the past 15 years, we have:
Reduced from over
10,000 deployed strategic warheads to less than 6,000 by December 5, 2001 as
required by the START I Treaty.
Eliminated nearly 90% of U.S. non-strategic
nuclear weapons and reduced the number of types of nuclear systems in Europe
from five in 1991 to just one today.
Dismantled more than 13,000 nuclear
weapons since 1988.
Not produced highly enriched uranium for nuclear weapons
since 1964 and halted the production of plutonium for nuclear weapons in 1988.
Not conducted a nuclear explosive test since 1992.
Removed more than 200
tons of fissile material from the military stockpile; enough material for at
least 8,000 nuclear weapons. These efforts have been continued, and indeed
accelerated, under the Bush Administration. The Moscow Treaty, signed by
Presidents Bush and Putin on May 24, 2002, and entered into force on June 1,
2003, represents a new milestone in nuclear arms reduction. This Treaty requires
both countries to reduce their strategic nuclear warheads to 1700-2200 by
December 31, 2012. This nearly two-thirds reduction from 2002 levels represents
the largest reduction in nuclear warheads ever required under a strategic arms
control treaty. Upon completion of the Moscow Treaty reductions in 2012, the
United States will have reduced about 80% of the strategic nuclear warheads that
we had deployed in 1991. And we are not waiting until 2012 to implement these
reductions. In accordance with the Moscow Treaty, we already have deactivated 37
of 50 Peacekeeper ICBMs, removing a total of 370 nuclear warheads from deployed
status. Deactivation of the remaining 13 Peacekeeper ICBMs is scheduled for
completion by October of this year. In addition, we have removed four ballistic
missile submarines from strategic service, removing hundreds more nuclear
warheads from deployed status.
In view of the Moscow Treaty, it is
manifest that, under President Bush's leadership, the United States has
continued to meet its obligation under Article VI to "pursue negotiations in
good faith on effective measures relating to . . . nuclear disarmament."
The Moscow Treaty is not the only step taken by the Bush Administration
with positive ramifications for Article VI. The 2002 U.S. Nuclear Posture Review
also represents good news for nuclear disarmament, despite misleading and
inaccurate portrayals at the time of its release, some of which persist to this
day. Many critics falsely charge that the United States is developing new
low-yield weapons and pursuing policies that will lead to a reduction in the
so-called threshold of nuclear weapons use. In fact, the contrary has happened:
the United States is now pursuing policies that will reduce its reliance on
nuclear weapons.
The premise of this new approach to deterrence is that
the time has come to shift the emphasis away from nuclear forces to other means,
including conventional forces, missile defenses, and a more responsive defense
infrastructure. This represents a very significant change in the U.S. deterrence
concept, and one that makes sense in the new security environment. The United
States has many programs designed to implement this policy shift. For example,
we are developing and deploying a missile defense system as well as developing
advanced conventional weapons programs.
Consistent with our alliance
commitments and defense requirements, it is our policy to continue to plan for
contingencies and conceptually explore technical options that could maintain the
credibility of our nuclear deterrent capability. Looking at options says nothing
about what we will do. The fact is that the United States is not developing any
new nuclear weapons, including low-yield nuclear weapons. The study of new
weapons designs under funding provided by Congress in past years for advanced
concepts has been entirely conceptual. Most of this funding was directed toward
examining the feasibility of a more effective nuclear earth penetrator than the
B61 mod 11 bomb introduced into the nuclear stockpile during the latter part of
the Clinton Administration. And, as you know, Congress did not continue funding
for this work in FY 2005. Furthermore, the United States has no plans to conduct
a nuclear explosive test, and continues to observe its nuclear testing
moratorium. We encourage other states not to test as well. These U.S. nuclear
weapons policies may not be altered without a presidential decision and
congressional authorization.
Finally, it is important to note
that the United States has had low-yield nuclear weapons in its stockpile for
decades, and does today. A new low-yield weapon, therefore, would not lower the
nuclear threshold in any way. The political leadership of the United States, now
and in the future, will have a keen appreciation for the consequences of a
decision to use nuclear weapons. The nuclear threshold is and will remain very
The strong record of the United States on Article VI is reinforced
by our cooperative threat reduction activities in the former Soviet Union. The
United States continues to work hard to foster such cooperation through programs
run by the Departments of State, Defense and Energy -- the total U.S. commitment
in dollars over the past 15 years exceeds $9 billion, and now averages over $1
billion a year. We are spending hundreds of millions of dollars each year to
dismantle missiles and WMD in the United States and Russia, while spending zero
-- let me repeat -- zero dollars on the development or production of new nuclear
The results are amazing. Under these programs, over 1000
ballistic missiles from the former Soviet Union have been eliminated; more than
600 air-to-surface nuclear missiles have been destroyed along with 126 bombers
and 27 ballistic missile submarines. More than 6,000 strategic nuclear warheads
have been removed from deployment. In FY 2003 alone, the program destroyed
nearly 130 submarine and land-based ballistic missiles -- enough delivery
capability to launch thousands of Hiroshima-size bombs.
The totality of
this work represents an enormous contribution to the goal making nuclear
reductions irreversible, and toward the Article VI goal of nuclear disarmament.
Without this U.S. investment, there would have been significant delays in the
elimination of strategic forces in the states of the former Soviet Union along
with the attendant risk of theft, diversion, or accidental or unauthorized use
of these forces. The United States and Russia have also cooperated in a wide
range of programs related to the security and disposition of fissile material
useable in nuclear weapons. In 1997, we concluded a bilateral agreement to
ensure the permanent shutdown of both sides' 27 plutonium production reactors.
Also, over 200 tons of highly enriched uranium (HEU) from Russia's
military stockpile have been converted to low enriched uranium fuel for civil
reactors, with more to be eliminated in this fashion. The United States has
identified 174 tons of excess HEU for this purpose -- about 60 tons have been
processed to date. Together, the United States and Russia have already converted
into peaceful uses enough HEU to make 10,000 nuclear weapons -- another dramatic
contribution to irreversibility.
Both countries remain committed to
implementation of the 2000 agreement under which each will dispose of 34 tons of
excess plutonium from their military stockpiles. The Department of Energy hopes
to spend over $600 million dollars in FY 2005 to fund this multi-year effort,
including assistance to Russia's program. Construction of the U.S. facility to
fabricate the U.S. plutonium into reactor fuel is projected to start in FY 2005.
Taking into account all of these
accomplishments, the United States is justifiably proud of its compliance with
the nuclear disarmament-related provisions of Article VI. Most importantly,
however, we must not let the discussion of compliance with Article VI distract
attention from the most serious challenge facing the NPT today -- the challenge
of noncompliance by some states with their nonproliferation obligations under
the Treaty. Nothing threatens the integrity of the NPT more than
Released on February 3, 2005