050310 ブッシュ大統領のエネルギー政策と対議会対策: 大統領の巻き返しなるか?
ブッシュ大統領は、4年前の就任直後に「国家エネルギー政策」(NEP)を発表し、意欲的に新エネルギー政策(原子力再活性化を含む)に取り組んで来ましたが、連邦議会の反対で、NEPを実現するための包括的エネルギー法案は未だに日の目を見るに至っていません。エネルギー(特に石油)自立のために、北極圏国家野生生物保護区」(ANWR)での石油・ガス掘削を強行したい腹ですが、共和党内にも反対があり(勿論民主党や環境団体も反対)中々離陸しません。温暖化防止についても京都議定書とは別の方法でやると言っている以上は、なんとかせねばなりませんが、それも難問山積で、思うように行っていません。昨日ブッシュ氏は、オハイオのBattelle Memorial Institute
で演説し、巻き返しの宣戦布告をしたようですが果たして首尾はいかに? ホワイトハウス発表をご参考までに。
Bush Again Urges Congress To Overhaul U.S. Energy
(Outlines proposals to diversify, modernize, conserve energy
Following is the text of a March 9 White House fact sheet
President Bush's priorities for reforming U.S. energy
(begin fact sheet)
Office of the Press
(Columbus, Ohio)
March 9, 2005
Fact Sheet Securing Our
Nation's Energy Future
Today's Presidential Action
-- The
President today visited Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus,
Ohio, to
view the energy technologies of the future and to reiterate his
call for
Congress to pass a sound national energy policy.
-- The President
called on Congress to pass a comprehensive energy bill
that meets four major
objectives: promoting conservation and efficiency,
increasing domestic
production, diversifying the Nation's energy supply,
and modernizing the
Nation's energy infrastructure. These goals must be
pursued while also
upholding our responsibility to be good stewards of the
Background On The President's Energy Policy
Since his first weeks in office, the passage of a comprehensive and
national energy policy has been a top priority for President Bush
and his
Administration. President Bush has reiterated his call for a
energy bill that includes the following key priorities:
Use Technology
To Increase Conservation And Energy Efficiency
-- Promote energy
efficiency and conservation through new efficiency
targets for the Federal
government, increased funding for state efficiency
programs, and new
efficiency standards for consumer products.
-- Provide tax incentives
to promote hybrid and fuel-cell vehicles,
residential solar energy systems,
combined heat and power projects, and
electricity produced from alternative
and renewable sources such as wind,
solar, biomass, and landfill
-- Authorize a wide range of energy technology research and
programs to develop energy efficient next-generation energy
-- Extend the scope of the Energy Star program, a
partnership to promote energy efficient
Ensure A Clean And Affordable Diversity Of Fuels For Our
Electricity Supply
-- Expand the use of clean coal
technology and enable a future for
America's most abundant resource through
the President's FutureGen
Initiative and his 10-year Clean Coal Power
Initiative which will reduce
emissions and improve the efficiency of
existing and new coal-based power
-- Improve the
hydroelectric re-licensing process while preserving
-- Ensure a future for nuclear power as a viable and
energy source by extending the Price-Anderson Act nuclear
liability laws;
modifying the treatment of nuclear decommissioning funds;
and by
constructing an environmentally safe permanent repository for spent
nuclear fuel.
Increase Domestic Energy Supplies And Protect The
-- Allow environmentally responsible oil and gas
development in ANWR.
America must reduce its dependence on foreign sources
of oil and natural
gas by encouraging safe and clean exploration at home.
Using the most
advanced technologies, the environmentally responsible
exploration and
development of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)
could provide up
to 1 million barrels per day of oil for the Nation's energy
security from
less than 2,000 acres.
-- Increase the use of
domestically produced ethanol and biodiesel as
transportation fuel through a
flexible national renewable fuel standard
and credit trading
-- Increase production of fossil and renewable energy resources
Federal and Tribal lands, including measures to expedite permitting for
new energy supply and siting of infrastructure.
-- Fill the
Strategic Petroleum Reserve to protect American consumers
from potentially
severe oil supply disruptions.
Modernize And Expand Our Electricity
-- Modernize our electricity grid by reforming outdated laws,
open access to the transmission grid, promoting regional planning
coordination, protecting consumers, and deploying new grid
-- Establish mandatory and enforceable reliability
standards for
electric utilities to lessen the likelihood of transmission
grid failures
and blackouts.
-- Expand investment in transmission
and generation facilities by
repealing the Public Utility Holding Company
Act (PUHCA) and providing
increased rates of return on new transmission
-- Eliminate transmission bottlenecks by providing for
Federal siting authority for high-priority transmission lines
and expedite
transmission permitting activities on Federal land.
Increase Domestic Energy Supplies Through Advanced Alternative
-- Pursue the President's Hydrogen Fuel Initiative to
help reduce our
dependence on foreign sources of oil by creating a new
generation of
hydrogen-powered vehicles.
-- Pursue the President's
commitment to the International Thermonuclear
Experimental Reactor (ITER), a
research and development program for
producing energy from nuclear
Strengthen Energy Security For All Americans
-- Reduce
heating and cooling costs of low-income households by
increasing funding for
the Department of Energy's Weatherization
Assistance Program.
Background On Clear Skies
President Bush has again called on Congress
to pass Clear Skies
Clear Skies Will Cut Pollution.
The legislation mandates a dramatic and
steady 70-percent cut in air
pollution from power plants, including the
first-ever national cap on
mercury emissions:
-- Cuts sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions by 73
percent, from current
emissions of 11 million tons to a cap of 4.5 million
tons in 2010 and to 3
million tons in 2018.
-- Cuts emissions of
nitrogen oxides (NOx) by 67 percent, from current
emissions of 5 million
tons to a cap of 2.1 million tons in 2008 and to
1.7 million tons in
-- Cuts mercury (Hg) emissions by 69 percent, from current
emissions of
48 tons to a cap of 26 tons in 2010 and to 15 tons in
Clear Skies Will Improve Air Quality And Public Health. The
legislation will help communities across America meet the Environmental
Protection Agency's (EPA) new health-based standards for ozone and fine
-- Combined with new EPA requirements on diesel engine
emissions, Clear
Skies will help thousands of Americans with asthma and
other respiratory
illnesses and reduce the risks from mercury.
Clear Skies will also improve visibility in some of the most popular
national parks, and Clear Skies will improve the health of our ecosystems
by reducing acid rain and mercury deposition.
Clear Skies Uses A
Proven, Market-Based Approach. The legislation will
help communities reach
air quality goals while keeping energy affordable
for American consumers and
-- Cuts pollution further, faster, cheaper, and with more
certainty than
current clean air programs by using an emissions trading
program that
creates an economic incentive for early reductions.
Encourages use of the newest technologies to control emissions from
coal-fired power plants.
-- Helps communities meet health-based air
quality standards without
significantly increasing the price of electricity.
This allows
manufacturers to expand and grow businesses and create
(end fact sheet)
(Distributed by the Bureau of International
Information Programs, U.S.
Department of State. Web site: http://usinfo.state.gov)