050309 Re: インドをどうするか? カーネギー国際平和財団の提言=続き
Compliance: A Strategy for Nuclear
なお、上記報告書でインド関係を論じている第6章"Applying the Strategy to
Regional Crises"の概要も再度下記に掲げておきます。ご参考まで。
米カーネギー国際平和財団がとりまとめた「Universal Compliance: A
Strategy for Nuclear Security」と題する報告書(先般紹介済み)(http://www.carnegieendowment.org/publications/index.cfm?fa=view&id=16593)の中に、インド関係で、下記のような政策提言があります。
Chapter Six: Applying the Strategy to Regional
Lead an initiative to ensure that Pakistan and India employ
state-of-the-art practices and technologies to secure nuclear facilities,
material, and know-how. (p. 160)
Encourage Pakistan and India to negotiate
and properly implement
nuclear risk reduction practices. (p.
Encourage India and Pakistan to cease uranium enrichment and plutonium
separation, in return for ending international restrictions on nuclear
technology and fuel service cooperation.(p. 162)
Encourage India and Pakistan
to accept a permanent cease-fire across the Line of Control between India and
Pakistan.(p. 163)
Strengthen civilian political parties and institutions in
Pakistan.(p. 164)
Promote stable conventional force balances and security
relationships among Pakistan, India, and China. Do not provide U.S. weaponry
capable of delivering nuclear weapons, such as fighter-bomber aircraft, or of
destabilizing the strategic balance, such as ballistic missile defenses, unless
and until India and Pakistan have stabilized their relationship so that new
strategic capabilities would only be seen to serve defensive, not
offensive,purposes. (pp. 165・66)
Extend international cooperation to India
and Pakistan (and Israel) to upgrade the safety of reparable existing nuclear
plants, if and when all civilian nuclear facilities are placed under
safeguards.(p. 167)
Resist Indian demands to waive or amend nonproliferation
prohibitions against nuclear technology commerce for new reactors, in the
absence of support from key non-nuclear weapon states. (p.