Churchill Assails Soviet Policy
Distinguished Visitors at Westminster College
Calls for Association of U. S., British to Stern Russian Expansion
'Iron Curtain' Dividing Europe Is Not What We Fought For, Churchill Says at
Fulton, Mo.
By Harold B. Hinton
Special to The New York Times
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Fulton, Mo., March 5 - A fraternal association between the British Empire and
the United States was advocated here today by Winston Churchill to stem "the
expansive and proselytizing tendencies" of the Soviet Union.
Introduced by President Truman at Westminster College, Great Britain's
wartime Prime Minister asserted that a mere balance of power in the world today
would be too narrow a margin and would only offer "temptations to a trial of
On the contrary, he added that the English-speaking peoples must maintain an
overwhelming preponderance of power on their side until "the highroads of the
future will be clear, not only for our time but for a century to come."
Says Curtain Divides Europe
Mr. Churchill painted a dark picture of post-war Europe, on which "an iron
curtain has descended across the Continent" from Stettin in the Baltic to
Trieste in the Adriatic.
Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Sofia and Bucharest are
all being subjected to increasing pressure and control from Moscow, he said,
"This is certainly not the liberated Europe we fought to build up. Nor is it,
one which contains the essentials of permanent peace."
Even in front of the "iron curtain," he asserted, Italy was hampered in its
efforts to return to a normal national existence by "Communist-trained Marshal
Tito's claims to former Italian territory," and the re-establishment of a strong
France was impeded by fifth columns working "in complete unity and absolute
obedience to the directions they receive from the Communist center."
He strongly intimated a parallel between the present position of the Soviet
Union with that of Germany in 1935, when, he said, "Germany might have been
saved from the awful fate which has overtaken her and we might all have been
spared the miseries Hitler let loose upon mankind without a single shot being
But time is running short, he warned, if the world is not "to try to learn
again, for a third time, in a school of war incomparably more rigorous than that
from which we have just been released."
His words, he continued, were not offered in the belief that war with the
Soviet Union was inevitable or imminent. He expressed the view that Russia does
not desire war, but cautioned that Moscow does desire the fruits of war and the
indefinite expansion of its power and policies.
Appeasement Is Opposed
The difficulties of the Western democracies, he said, will not be removed by
closing their eyes to them, by waiting to see what happens, or by a policy of
Expressing admiration and regard for Marshal Stalin, Mr. Churchill asserted
that the English-speaking peoples understood Russia's need to secure her western
frontiers against renewed German aggression and welcomed Russia into her
rightful place among the leading countries of the world.
From his experience with them, he said that he learned that Russians admired
nothing so much as strength, and that they had no respect for military
Given an overwhelming show of strength on the side of upholding the
principles of the United Nations Organization, Mr. Churchill asserted, the
Soviet Union would be prepared to come to a settlement of outstanding
differences with the Western world.
He suggested that the secret of the atomic bomb be kept in the hands of the
United States, Great Britain and Canada, because "it would be imprudent and
wrong" to confide it to the UNO, while that organization was "still in its
He said that no one in the world had slept less well because the atomic
secret was in its present custody, but the people of the world would not rest so
soundly if that secret were possessed by "some Communist or neo-Fascist
He also called for immediate establishment of a UNO air force, to be made up
of a number of squadrons from member countries capable of supplying them. These
squadrons would be trained and equipped at home, but would be stationed abroad.
They would not be required to go into action against their own country, but
would otherwise be at the orders of the UNO.
Although he expressed confidence in the ultimate ability of the UNO to
preserve the peace of the world, Mr. Churchill said that it must become "a true
temple of peace' and not 'merely a cockpit in the Tower of Babel."
Comparing its inception with that of the League of Nations, he regretted that
he could not "see or feel the same confidence or even the same hopes in the
haggard world at this time."
The fraternal association he advocated between the British Empire and the
United States would include interchange of officers and cadets among the
military schools of the associates, similarity of weapons and training manuals,
common war plans, joint use of all naval and air bases and intimate
relationships among high military advisers.
With this potential strength behind them, he said, the English-speaking
peoples could reach "now, in 1946, a good understanding on all points with
The special relationships of the type he urged, Mr. Churchill argued, would
be fully consistent with loyalty to the UNO.
He recalled the special relations between the United States and Canada, the
United States and the other American republics, and the twenty-year treaty
between Great Britain and Russia (he interjected that "I agree with Mr. Bevin
[British Foreign Minister] that it might well be a fifty-year treaty") as
examples of international cooperation which serve to buttress, not undermine,
the peace of the world.
The United States now stands at the pinnacle of world power, Mr. Churchill
asserted, and shares with the other English-speaking peoples what he described
as the over-all strategic concept of "the safety and welfare, the freedom and
progress of all the homes and families of all the men and women in all the
For the United States to ignore or fritter away its "clear and shining"
opportunity would be to "bring upon us all the long reproaches of the
after-time," he added.
Turning to the Far East, Mr. Churchill called the outlook there "anxious,"
especially in Manchuria, despite the aspects of the Yalta agreement, to which he
was a party.
He defended the agreement on the ground that the war with Germany was then
expected to last until the autumn of 1945, with the war against Japan calculated
to endure eighteen months after that.
Mr. Churchill gave his listeners the impression that he and President
Roosevelt would not have dealt so generously with Marshal Stalin, had they
realized that collapse of the Axis was near at hand.
War and tyranny were the twin evils Mr. Churchill saw threatening the world
today. He looked for the hunger and distress now afflicting so much of the world
to pass fairly quickly, and for "the inauguration and enjoyment of an age of
"Nothing can stand in the way of such an outcome," he said, except "human
folly or sub-human crime."
Mr. Churchill described himself as a "private visitor" with no official
mission or status of any kind, and as a man whose early private ambitions had
been satisfied beyond his wildest dreams.
He said that Mr. Truman had granted him full liberty "to give you my true and
faithful counsel in these anxious and baffling times."
In his introduction, the President said that he and Mr. Churchill both
believed in freedom of speech, adding:
"I know he will have something constructive to say."
When Mr. Truman later took the platform to acknowledge the doctorate of laws
which Westminster conferred on him, as well as on Mr. Churchill, he told the
audience that it was "your moral duty and mine to see that the Charter of the
United Nations is implemented as the law of the land and the law of the
The President, however, made no direct reference to the "fraternal
association" Mr. Churchill suggested.
"We are either headed for complete destruction or are facing the greatest age
in history," Mr. Truman said, adding:
"It is up to you to decide, and up to me to see that we follow that path
toward that great age and not toward destruction.
"The release of atomic energy has given us a force which means the happiness
and welfare of every human being on earth or the destruction of
"I prefer to think we have the ability, the moral stamina and the energy to
see that the great age comes about, not destruction."
Churchill Drops Serious Note
When it came Mr. Churchill's turn to thank Dr. Franc Lewis McCluer, the
faculty and trustees of Westminster College for the honor they conferred on him,
he dropped the serious tenor of his earlier address and made the following
"Mr. President, President McCluer, Members of the Faculty: I am not sure that
I may say fellow members of the faculty. I am most grateful, and through you to
the authorities of the State of Missouri and to the college authorities, for
their great kindness in that conferring upon me another of these degrees, which
I value so highly and, as I was saying only the other day at Miami, which have a
double attraction to me, that they do not require any preliminary
"I value very much this token of good-will which comes from this center of
education in the very heart of the United States and in the State which is so
dear to the heart of the President of this great country.
"I also thank you all here for the great patience, indulgence, kindness and
attention to listen to what I had to say, for I am quite sure it will have been
right and wise to say at this juncture. I am very glad to have had this
opportunity and am grateful to all who have come here and assisted me to
discharge my task.
"I am, of course, unswerving in my allegiance to my own king and country, but
I can never feel entirely a foreigner in the United States, which is my
motherland and where my ancestors, forebears on that side of the family for five
generations, have lived.
"I was, however, a little puzzled the other day when one branch of the Sons
of the Revolution invited me to become a member, on the grounds that my
forebears doubtedly fought in Washington's armies.
"I felt on the whole that I was on both sides then, and therefore I should
adopt as far as possible an unbiased attitude. But I may justly tell you how
proud is my love for this great and mighty nation and empire of the United
This was a gala day in Fulton and Jefferson City, the State Capital, where
the President and Mr. Churchill left their train. In both towns the motor
cavalcade drove slowly around the principal streets, which were lined with
Police estimated that the normal population of 8,000 turned out in Fulton and
was augmented by some 20,000 visitors who had come from as far distant as St.
Dr. McCluer entertained the President and Mr. Churchill with the members of
their immediate party at luncheon in his home on the campus before the
The President and Mr. Churchill marched into the gymnasium at the end of the
long academic procession. Mr. Truman wore the hood indicating the honorary
doctorate of laws conferred on him last summer by the University of Kansas City,
while Mr. Churchill wore a scarlet hood indicating an Oxford degree.
Mr. Churchill's speech was received with marked applause in the passages
where it dealt with the responsibility of this country to see that another World
War was avoided, but the proposal for "fraternal association" brought only
moderate handclapping.