050302 「北朝鮮の核保有宣言で驚いていてはいけない」
Enterprise InstituteのNicholas
verifiable and
The Nuclear Core of North Korea's Strategy
By Nicholas
Tuesday, March 1, 2005; Page A15
North Korea's declaration
that it possesses nuclear weapons and intends to
hold on to its nuclear
arsenal "under any circumstances" was greeted with
shock and astonishment in
much of the world. In fact, the most astonishing
part of this momentous
development was the fact that North Korea's bold move
has come as a
surprise, both in Washington and abroad.
The North Korean government did not
suddenly claim to join the world's
nuclear weapons club on a bizarre and
inexplicable whim. The announcement
represented the entirely predictable
culmination of decades of careful,
painstaking, costly efforts and
calculations. Until we appreciate the
thinking that animates North Korea's
quest for weapons of mass destruction,
we are going to face the prospect of
ever more unpleasant and expensive
surprises from Pyongyang.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is a state unlike any
other --
a political construct especially and particularly built for three
purposes: to conduct a war, to settle a historical grievance and to
a grand ideological vision.
The vision is reunification of the Korean
Peninsula under the "independent,
socialist" rule of the DPRK -- i.e.,
unconditional annexation of present-day
South Korea and liquidation of the
Republic of Korea government.
The grievance is the failure of the famous
June 1950 surprise attack on
South Korea -- an assault that might well have
unified Korea on Pyongyang's
terms but for America's military intervention.
In Pyongyang's telling, it is
only America's continuing imperialistic
support that has kept a rotten and
unviable South Korean government alive
since 1950.
And the war that North Korea has prepared for is not some future
contingency. In the view of North Korean leaders, their country
is at war
today. Although we are sometimes inattentive, the fact is that the
War's battles were halted only through a 1953 cease-fire agreement.
Korean War is, from the DPRK's standpoint, an ongoing conflict -- and
Korea's leadership is committed to an unconditional victory, however
long it
might take and however much it might cost.
North Korea
maintains a vast conventional army with a failing, Soviet-type
Obviously, that force could not prevail over the combined South
alliance. Thus the neutralization, and removal, of the United
States from
the Korean equation is imperative from Pyongyang's perspective.
But that
objective cannot be achieved by the DPRK's conventional
capabilities --
today or in the near future. To achieve this goal, North
Korea must possess
nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles capable of
delivering them into the
heart of the American enemy. This central strategic
fact explains why North
Korea has been assiduously pursuing its nuclear and
missile development
programs for more than 30 years -- at terrible expense
to its people and
despite all adverse repercussions for its international
Several important implications flow from North Korea's
conception of, and
strategy for, its program to develop weapons of mass
First, continuing and escalating international tensions are not
and unwelcome side effects of the program -- they are its central
North Korea has already used the threat of having weapons of mass
destruction to extract de facto international extortion payments from the
United States and its allies, and to force the United States to "engage"
Pyongyang diplomatically, on Pyongyang's terms.
The greatest potential
dividends for North Korean nuclear and ballistic
diplomacy, however, still
lie in store -- and this brings us to a second
point. For more than half a
century, U.S. security policy has been charged
with imposing "deterrence" on
Pyongyang. But hasn't Pyongyang also been
thinking about how to "deter" the
United States over those same long
decades? Nuclear weapons (especially
long-range nuclear missiles) might well
answer the "deterrence question" for
the North Korean state.
Faced with the risk of nuclear attack on the U.S.
mainland, Washington could
hesitate at a time of crisis on the Korean
Peninsula. And if Washington's
security commitment to South Korea were not
credible in a crisis, the
military alliance would be dead in all but name.
North Korea's nuclear
weapons program, in short, may be its best hope for
achieving its dual
objectives of breaking the U.S.-South Korea military
alliance and pushing
American troops off the peninsula.
Third, those who
hope for a "win-win" solution to the current nuclear
impasse must recognize
the plain fact that North Korea does not engage in
"win-win" bargaining and
never has. The historical record is clear:
Pyongyang believes in zero-sum
solutions, preferring not only victories but
also face-losing setbacks for
its opponents. To Pyongyang, "win-win"
solutions are not only impractical
but immoral.
Finally, those who believe that a denuclearization of North
Korea is still
possible through some future negotiating breakthrough must
consider what
such an outcome would look like to Pyongyang today -- from the
standpoint of
the real, existing North Korean state, not some imaginary DPRK
we'd rather
be talking to. No matter how large and reassuring the payoff
package, the
achievement of "complete, verifiable, irreversible
denuclearization" would
consign North Korea to a world measured by the
metrics of peaceful
international competition -- and thus to a role more in
consonance with the
size of its gross domestic product. No current North
Korean leader is likely
to regard such a proposal as a bargain.
Kim Jong
Il is doing his best to make the world safe for the DPRK. Our task,
contrast, is to make the world safe from the DPRK. This will be a
expensive and dangerous undertaking. For America and its allies,
the costs and dangers of failure are higher -- incalculably
The writer holds the Henry Wendt Chair in
Political Economy at the American
Enterprise Institute. This article was
adapted from testimony before the
House International Relations Committee on
Feb. 17.