The credibility of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
faces serious challenges
Secretary-General tells advisory board on disarmament matter
‘Additional Protocol’ Would Raise Bar for Inspections
Standards, He Says
Following is the text of Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s
remarks to the Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters (as delivered) in New York,
today, 23 February:
Let me start by thanking you, Ambassador Vicente
Berasategui, for agreeing to serve as Chairman of the Board for 2005. I am sure
the Board will benefit greatly from your considerable diplomatic experience and
expertise in multilateral disarmament.
Let me also welcome two new
members of the Board: Ms. Christiane Isabelle Agboton-Johnson and Mr. Anatoly
Antonov. I know you will both bring fresh ideas and inspiration to the
And I hope that this year of all years, you are all coming
equipped with a great deal of vision and bold thinking. For this year is a
highly important one in the life of the Organization.
Not only does
2005 mark the sixtieth anniversary of the end of World War Two and the founding
of the United Nations ?- commemorating six decades throughout which disarmament
has been a key item on the UN agenda.
This year is also one in which
we must think ahead, and help plant the seeds of long-term global collective
Next month, I will be placing before the Member States a
blueprint for the most far-reaching reform of the international security system
since the establishment of the United Nations.
My report will draw
heavily on the recommendations of the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges
and Change, where we brought together 16 prominent men and women, and they put
together a report in December, which I’m sure you’ve seen.
message is simple: our global security environment has been transformed, and
our global collective security system, including the United Nations, must be
transformed too.
The High-Level Panel report rightly gives prominence
to disarmament and non-proliferation issues as critical elements of collective
security. Let me thank the Advisory Board for the comprehensive and
well-articulated input you provided to their work.
Those issues will
be the subject of further discussion and debate in the months leading up to the
summit meeting due to be held here in September.
At that meeting,
world leaders will review progress in implementing the Millennium Declaration,
including our efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals -- a blueprint
agreed to by all the leaders of the world as a way of building a better world in
the twenty-first century.
I hope that governments will come to the
summit ready to take far-reaching measures to adapt and renew the United
Nations, and to find effective, collective answers to the challenges of our
This year also marks another milestone: the thirty-fifth
anniversary of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
The NPT has
served us extremely well over the past decades. However, the regime faces
serious challenges to its credibility.
The NPT Review Conference in
May will test the commitment of all States parties to nuclear disarmament,
non-proliferation and the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
I will be
urging Member States to agree soon on an agenda for the conference that
addresses the most pressing challenges which you and the High-Level Panel have
Like many of you, I am convinced that efforts to prevent
nuclear proliferation must go hand in hand with progress in nuclear
And we all share serious concerns at the prospect of
terrorist groups developing, acquiring or using weapons of mass destruction, and
their means of delivery.
That is why the Security Council adopted
resolution 1540, requiring all States to adopt effective laws and domestic
controls to prevent the proliferation of WMD. These include measures to
criminalize assistance to non-State actors seeking to acquire weapons of mass
destruction. I urge all States to use this mechanism.
Another major
challenge is finding ways to prevent nuclear technology and materials from being
diverted to covert and illegal weapons programmes, while ensuring that States
parties retain the legitimate right to peaceful uses of nuclear
On this, a number of proposals have been put forward,
including by the Director-General of IAEA and by the High-Level Panel. Central
among them is that we raise the bar for inspection standards by establishing the
“additional protocol” as the norm for verifying compliance with the NPT. I
trust you will give this and other proposals serious
You have also made an opportune decision to take up
the topic of nuclear fuel cycle and fissile material control. I look forward to
hearing your concrete recommendations.
On small arms, there has been
a surge of initiatives since the Programme of Action was adopted by the General
Assembly in 2001. These initiatives, aimed at curbing the proliferation of such
weapons, have come from many sectors -- governments, regional and subregional
organizations, and civil society.
It is crucial that they lead to
real progress on the ground. I am heartened that the regional and subregional
organizations are playing such an active role in translating the Programme of
Action into tangible regional, national and local measures.
momentum must be sustained. We must work to conclude multilateral instruments on
key issues such as marking, tracing, brokering and transfer of small arms as
soon as possible.
We have an important opportunity to do that next
year, with the first UN Conference to review progress on the implementation of
the Programme of Action.
And of course, we must redouble our efforts
to educate and engage the public in the process of controlling illicit small
arms, by reaching out to all sectors of society.
On all these issues,
I look forward to your analysis, your advice and, most of all, your practical
recommendations on how to improve our collective efforts.
I wish you
every success in the year ahead, and I will do all I can to support your