The United States yesterday swiftly rejected a reported demand from
North Korea that it conduct one-on-one talks with the reclusive communist state
as a price for restarting negotiations on dismantling its nuclear programs. U.S.
officials held firm to their position that the talks must include Pyongyang's
neighbors as they intensified diplomatic efforts to persuade North Korea to
return to the bargaining table.
"It's not an issue between North Korea and the United States," White
House press secretary Scott McClellan said. "It's a regional issue."
The request for direct talks, made by a senior member of North Korea's
U.N. delegation in an interview with a South Korean newspaper, suggested
Pyongyang remains willing to discuss scrapping its untested nuclear arsenal
under the right terms, despite its "indefinite" withdrawal Thursday from the
six-nation talks hosted by China.
U.S. officials have met with North Korean officials on the sidelines of
the six-nation sessions for discussions lasting more than two hours, but North
Korea's request for direct talks appears to be aimed at trying to split the
fragile unity of its bargaining partners. In the past, China and South Korea
have been sympathetic to North Korea's claims that the United States has not
bargained in good faith.
While U.S. officials are still debating how to respond, "everyone
agrees that now is the time to turn up the pressure on China and South Korea," a
U.S. official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of diplomatic
Vice President Cheney met yesterday with South Korean Foreign Minister
Ban Ki Moon in a previously scheduled meeting and he questioned Ban on the
budding economic relations between North and South Korea, according to a South
Korean official who attended the meeting. Ban told Cheney that South Korea is
reviewing a North Korean request for 500,000 tons of fertilizer and Cheney did
not request that trade between the countries be halted, the official
Throughout the two years of talks, North Korea has sought to win
upfront, direct benefits from the United States as a condition for agreeing to
end its nuclear programs. Despite pleas from South Korea, the Bush
administration has refused even symbolic gestures until North Korea gives up its
programs and its claims are verified by U.S. intelligence.
The White House has supported efforts by its allies to provide energy
assistance if North Korea declares it will end its programs. Once North Korea's
claims have been verified, the administration has indicated, it would take other
steps, such as joining in a multilateral guarantee of North Korea's security,
that could ultimately result in a restoration of relations. But U.S. officials
have been purposely vague about the details.
Now, in the wake of North Korea's declaration that it possesses nuclear
weapons, pressure may mount on the United States to demonstrate greater
flexibility in the talks. U.S. officials have said they will not modify their
offer, presented last June, until North Korea formally makes a counteroffer.
Bush administration officials say they will not conduct bilateral
negotiations because they do not want to repeat the experience of the Clinton
administration. In 1994, President Bill Clinton struck a deal with North Korea
that froze its nuclear programs, but in 2002, President Bush accused North Korea
of violating it.
The demand for a direct dialogue with the United States represents a
return to the negotiating position that North Korea staked out before China
persuaded it to join the multilateral talks that began in August 2003. The new
statement from North Korea appeared to bolster the assessment of many officials
in the region that Pyongyang's surprise announcement Thursday was a gambit to
win additional economic and diplomatic concessions from Washington and its
"We will return to the six-nation talks when we see a reason to do so
and the conditions are ripe," Han Sung Ryol, deputy chief of Pyongyang's U.N.
mission, told Seoul's Hankyoreh newspaper Thursday in New York. "If the United
States moves to have direct dialogue with us, we can take that as a signal that
the United States is changing its hostile policy toward us."
"We have no other option but to regard the United States' refusal to
have direct dialogue with us as an intention not to recognize us and to
eliminate our system," Han was also quoted as saying.
But in a subsequent interview, Han appeared to backtrack,
telling Associated Press Television News, "No, we do not ask for bilateral
talks." He said the key issue for North Korea is whether Washington plans to
attack North Korea.