050131 天然ウランの需要が高まり、オーストラリアのウラン鉱山が再び活況を呈しつつある
天然ウランをそのまま輸出せず、国内で濃縮、燃料加工して付加価値を増やしたいというのは、オーストラリアの長年の宿願になっていますが(小生も1970年代末から80年代にかけて日豪ウラン濃縮共同研究プロジェクトに関わった経験があります)、ここまで本格的に核燃料サイクル活動の必要性を主張する意見は小生は寡聞にして初めて聞きました。果たして本気になってそこまで考えているのか、俄かには信じられませんが、最近の世界的な原子力重視ムードの中でオーストラリアも大分意欲的になっているようです。 ちなみに、オーストラリアでも、安全保障のために独自の核兵器開発を計画した時期がありますし、そのような意見はーー少数意見ながらーー現在でも存在しております。ご参考まで。
Original Message -----
From: "Kumao KANEKO" <kkaneko@eeecom.jp>
Sent: Monday,
January 31, 2005 10:43 AM
> 皆様
その結果、ウランの価格が上昇し始めており、世界のウラン業者がオーストラリアのウラン鉱山に投資したり、企業買収を図っているが、とくにWestern Mining
Corporation社の Olympic Dam ウラン鉱山
> (
> Territoryの Ranger鉱山の開発にはかつて日本(関電、四国電力など)
Plenty of power in uranium
> Leslie Kemeny
> The
Australian, January 31, 2005
> AUSTRALIA is endowed with more
than 40 per cent of the world's
> economically recoverable uranium
resources. And the year 2004 had, as a
> defining moment, the rediscovery
by many nations of the excellence of
> nuclear power and the uranium fuel
cycle as a greenhouse-friendly, cheap,
> reliable and safe energy
> Over the past decade, the growth in global installed
nuclear generating
> capacity has been led by China and India. But
informed realism concerning
> the versatility, safety and environmental
advantages of nuclear power
> plants is now attracting renewed interest
in the European Union, the US,
> Japan and elsewhere.
> Last month
the chief executives of more than 20 EU energy companies called
> upon
their governments to make nuclear power a central part of their
> energy
policies on the basis of energy security and environmental
> protection.
They pointed out that all low-carbon and zero-carbon sources
> will need
to be mobilised ? notably nuclear and renewables ? and hence all
> should
be able to compete equitably.
> This statement was presented as
the opening shot in a new offensive to
> change policy settings in EU
countries to give due credit to the virtues
> of nuclear power and to
remove measures that discriminate against it. The
> head of the
Confederation of British Industry had earlier called for the
> immediate
construction of six new nuclear plants over the next 10 years,
> as the
British Government's reliance on wind would achieve little. A
> similar
call has come from the Swedish forest products industry in
> relation to
that country's policies.
> So, internationally, public perception of
nuclear power and support for
> its use has shown a remarkable growth.
Typically, an October 2004 poll in
> the US showed that eight out of 10
people believe that nuclear energy will
> be important in meeting the
nation's electricity needs and 67 per cent
> personally favour it.
Perhaps even more significantly, two-thirds of
> self-described
"environmentalists" favour it.
> No wonder uranium prices are
surging and overseas uranium traders are
> seeking to invest in or take
over Australian uranium production
> facilities. In particular, Western
Mining Corporation's Olympic Dam
> uranium mine ? potentially one-third
of global resource ? makes an
> attractive target.
> Last
year Australian uranium production set a record of more than 10,500
tonnes of U308 or "yellowcake". Rio Tinto announced production of more
than 5143 tonnes from the Northern Territory Ranger mine. WMC Resources
produced 4370 tonnes from Olympic Dam, and Heathgate Resources 1084 tonnes
> from Beverley, a mine now running at full capacity and also situated in
> South Australia.
> WMC is proposing a $5 billion
expansion of the Olympic Dam mine by the
> year 2010, to increase
production to 15,000 tonnes per annum. This would
> make it the world's
largest producer. This expansion is envisaged in the
> light of a surging
global demand for uranium, which has already seen a
> price rise from
about $US10 per pound (0.45kg) in 2003 to about $US20.50
> ($26.75) per
pound at the end of 2004. The prognosis for further
> significant price
rises to the year 2010 is excellent.
> So it's hardly surprising
that the Olympic Dam uranium resource is being
> targeted for takeover by
the Swiss mining giant Xstrata and possibly by
> such nuclear giants as
Cogema of France and Cameco of Canada. Xstrata is
> part-owned by
commodities trader Glencore.
> There is no doubt that Australia's
Foreign Investment Review Board will be
> monitoring all aspects of this
transaction. As well, the Department of
> Foreign Affairs and Trade will
need to keep under constant surveillance
> the transport and destination
of any exported uranium if WMC is purchased
> by an overseas
> If Olympic Dam remains in Australian hands, the
commonwealth Government
> should encourage Australian uranium producers
to establish a full uranium
> fuel cycle industry whereby enrichment,
fuel element fabrication and
> reprocessing and waste disposal is carried
out in this country.
> In such a situation, the fuel could be
leased to Australia's trading
> partners, who would pay for its energy
content. This would maximise the
> economic return to the Australian
industry and ensure optimum
> non-proliferation
> Australia's energy policy, furthermore, should be
revised as soon as
> possible by the federal Government. The full
approval of the Council of
> Australian Governments and its expert
advisers should be sought to
> facilitate the introduction of nuclear
power plants for the co-generation
> of electricity and the production of
fresh water and hydrogen.
> For at least the next 100 years, Australia's
sustainable development will
> substantially depend on this
greenhouse-friendly technology.
> Leslie Kemeny, an Australian member of
the International Nuclear Energy
> Academy, was the foundation technical
consultant to the Australian Uranium
> Information Centre in the 1970s.