ブッシュ政権としては引き続き徹底的にイランの「核潰し」を図るはずです。 た
が益々難しくなるだろうということ。 もう1つは、例のアザデガン油田開発問題が
どうなるか、とうことです。 イランに対しては、ロシアや中国も石油利権を狙って
York Times,
Mullahs and the Bomb
Published: October 23,
WASHINGTON With much fanfare, and the reluctant endorsement of the
administration, Iran has vowed to suspend its controversial effort
produce enriched uranium - which can be used as fuel in nuclear weapons
and to clear up a host of suspicions about its nuclear program. In
the foreign ministers of Britain, France and Germany promised
"cooperation"- meaning trade - in high technology with Tehran.
perhaps getting any concessions out of the mullahs should be seen as a
forward, this particular deal won't prevent Iran from making the bomb.
also risks having the same outcome as the deal North Korea made in 1994
later violated, and threatens to drive a wedge between the United States
its European allies on Iran policy.
The suspicions about Iran's
nuclear aims are well founded. Leaving aside the
question whether such an
oil-rich country even needs nuclear power plants,
America has long questioned
why Iran is building a factory to enrich
uranium, material for which there is
no reasonable need in Iran's civilian
power program.
Iran also plans
to produce plutonium, another fuel for nuclear weapons, by
building a
40-megawatt heavy water reactor at Arak. This type of reactor,
too small for
electricity and larger than needed for research, is now
providing the fuel
for atomic weapons programs in India, Israel and
Pakistan. And Iran is
developing a fleet of long-range missiles, which don't
make sense as a way to
deliver conventional warheads. The only logical
purpose of such missiles is
to carry nuclear ones.
International suspicions about these programs led
to the current crisis: the
International Atomic Energy Agency has given Iran
until Oct. 31 to explain
how mysterious traces of bomb-grade uranium got into
two Iranian nuclear
sites. Iran says the traces arrived on contaminated
imports; the other
explanation is that Iran has been secretly enriching
uranium in violation of
its inspection agreement with the agency. The agency
also wants to know how
Iran developed such a high level of enrichment
technology without secretly
testing it with nuclear material, which is also
forbidden. The agency's
experts are convinced that the testing
Under the new deal, Iran is supposed to explain all this. If it
doesn't, it
risks being condemned as a pariah by the Security Council and the
Union may have to shelve its trade agreement with Iran, which would
cost all
concerned a lot of money. Thus Britain, France and Germany, as well
as Iran,
have an interest in seeing Iran comply.
But the problem is,
even if Iran does so, there will be little assurance
that the deal will
really dampen Iran's nuclear hopes. Consider what
happened with the pact
hammered out by the Clinton administration with North
Korea in 1994, which
had much in common with the present situation.
North Korea faced
worldwide condemnation and a possible war with the United
States after
violating its inspection agreement with the International
Atomic Energy
Agency. By agreeing to suspend its effort to produce
plutonium, North Korea
avoided censure and got economic benefits from the
West, and yet it preserved
its nuclear potential intact. North Korea's 8,000
fuel rods - containing five
bombs' worth of plutonium - never left the
country. Like a sword poised over
the world's head, they remained only
months away from being converted into
bomb fuel - something that the North
Koreans say was finally done this
summer. The North Korean bomb program only
shifted into neutral; now it is
back in gear.
Under Tuesday's deal Iran, too, will shift into neutral,
while keeping its
nuclear potential intact. It won't - for the time being -
operate its newly
constructed centrifuges, which are needed to enrich uranium
to weapon grade.
But the deal won't stop Iran from building more centrifuges
to augment the
limited number it now has, thus adding to its future ability
to enrich
uranium. Nor does the agreement bar Iran from completing the
factory that
produces the uranium gas that goes into the centrifuges. Nor
does it prevent
the building of the heavy water reactor or, indeed, the
resumption of
enrichment in the future. Thus the agreement could insulate
Iran from
international censure without hampering its nuclear progress in any
These defects won't be cured by Iran's acceptance of more
inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency. The
inspectors' new
rights are still weaker than those that were enjoyed by their
in Iraq - and we all know that the Iraqis repeatedly foiled
those efforts
with delays and obfuscation.
The only real solution is
to convince Iran to dismantle all the plants that
can make fuel for nuclear
weapons. This would remove the threat that Iran
could go back into the bomb
business on a moment's notice, and the country
could still benefit from the
electricity generated by its Russian-supplied
reactor at Bushehr, which
should be sufficient if Iran truly wants only
civilian nuclear
This goal is what the Europeans hope to achieve in the long run.
It would
probably satisfy the United States as well. But the current
agreement won't
take us there, and it may lead to the same sort of bickering
between the
United States and its vital allies that fractured international
action on
North Korea and Iraq.
The only chance for a solution to the
Iran nuclear problem, short of war, is
for a united West to apply relentless
economic pressure. That means quickly
closing any gap between Europe and the
United States. It may be possible to
convince Iran that the costs of building
nuclear weapons exceed the benefit
of having them. Unlike North Korea, Iran
has large trade interests that
really matter. However, unless the rest of the
world is willing to put those
interests at risk, it will probably soon have
to live with a new nuclear
power in the Middle East.
Milhollin is director of the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control.