Director-General Welcomes Iran's Reported Commitment to Cooperate with
Nuclear Inspectors
An Interview With IAEA Director-General Mohamed
ACT: Obviously, it looks like there's been some good news
this morning
coming out of Tehran. I just wanted to get your reaction to
announcement that it will allow IAEA inspections and suspend its
enrichment activities.
ElBaradei: Yeah, you know, it's
encouraging news coming out…[but] I still
need to be briefed on exactly…the
commitment by Iran. However, this is in
line with their commitment to me last
week that they are ready to come with
a full declaration of all their past
nuclear activities and they are ready
to conclude a protocol to regulate
their future nuclear activities.
And if the news today is correct that they
are also ready to suspend, or
apply a moratorium on their enrichment
activities as a confidence building
measure, as called by the [the IAEA Board
of Governors]…in their decision
last month, then I think this will open the
way for hopefully a
comprehensive settlement of the Iranian issues through
verification and
through political dialogue.
ACT: If this does play
out in term of the details that you are hearing,
would this address the
fundamental concerns that the international community
has about Iran's
nuclear programs?
ElBaradei: Well I think we still have to get the
declaration and make
sure…that we need to verify whatever declaration we will
get and make sure
that it is comprehensive and accurate. So that would take
care of the past
activities. We then also need to have the protocol and make
sure that all
future activities in Iran would be under our verification. As
you know, we
never have 100 percent certainty, and that's why we would like
to have in
Iran and everywhere else a continuous process of inspections and
we need the
authority of the protocol to enable us in a country with an
knowledge and program to do a comprehensive job.
So yes, if
we get a comprehensive declaration, and we are able to verify
that it is
accurate and complete and if we get the protocol and we are able
to implement
the protocol in all future activities in Iran, then I think
this would be a
leap forward in terms of the international community's
concerns about Iran's
nuclear program.
ACT: Have you discussed the latest talks at all with the
foreign ministers?
ElBaradei: I think I am going to have that…either
tonight or tomorrow.