York Timesの記事
Puzzle: North Korean Bombs
Published: October 14,
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 ? New intelligence estimates that North
Korea may have
produced one or two nuclear weapons in recent months ? or
perhaps more ?
have immersed the administration in another internal debate
about the
quality of intelligence about illegal weapons.
President Bush just days from embarking on his longest foray in Asia,
some of
his advisers say it is possible that North Korea is telling the
truth about
having turned 8,000 nuclear fuel rods into enough weapons-grade
plutonium for
several warheads.
Others, including more cautious intelligence analysts
at the State
Department, say there is still no proof, and plenty of incentive
for the
North Koreans to bluff.
The International Atomic Energy
Agency, in a series of confidential
briefings, has taken a middle view: It
has told Asian governments that North
Korea has probably produced enough
plutonium to make two new nuclear
weapons, according to officials who took
notes on the briefings.
"When you add up the evidence, we have every
reason to believe they've made
two new weapons," a senior Asian official
said. That would be in addition to
the one or two that the C.I.A. has said
the North probably made in the early
American officials
caution that the international agency reached its
estimates by reinterpreting
data from the United States, South Korea and
other nations.
international estimate concerned fuel and did not assess whether the
could convert it into a working bomb. North Korea has never tested a
weapon. The C.I.A. assessment that North Korea built two bombs a
decade ago
appears to assume that the country had mastered the technology,
but the basis
for the conclusion is unclear.
Without fully embracing the international
estimate, administration officials
say American analysts have concluded that
the North has turned at least an
eighth of its nuclear fuel into
weapons-grade plutonium, and maybe as much
as a third.
What it all
adds up to is that no one knows for certain how big the North's
President Bush vowed earlier this year that he would never tolerate
nuclear North Korea. But he has left deliberately ambiguous how he
Charles Pritchard, who resigned this summer as the
State Department special
envoy for North Korean nuclear issues, cast Mr.
Bush's political and
strategic problem this way:
"We've gone, under
his watch, from the possibility that North Korea has one
or two weapons to a
possibility ? a distinct possibility ? that it now has
eight or more," said
Mr. Pritchard, who also worked on North Korean issues
during the Clinton
administration. "And it's happened while we were deposing
Saddam Hussein for
fear he might get that same capability by the end of the
June, evidence collected by American satellites and sensors that capture
gas, krypton 85, released during reprocessing offered up tantalizing
that additional nuclear facilities exist. But intelligence officials
unable to reproduce those findings, leaving what one senior official
"a lot of suspicions, but zippo evidence."
The facilities are
thought to be in the mountains toward the Chinese border,
and perhaps in
underground tunnels, making them less vulnerable. "It's the
intelligence target we have," one senior American official said,
"much harder
than Iraq."
For Mr. Bush, that uncertainty greatly complicates his trip
to Asia.
Mr. Bush's spokesman, Scott McClellan, said on Friday that Mr.
strategy had already "achieved important success," because the North
"agreed to multilateral talks, six-country talks" on resolving the
The administration's strategy relies heavily on
pressure from China, which
supplies the desperately poor North with most of
its oil and much of its
Yet as Mr. Bush heads to Asia,
administration officials are trying to put
down a minor rebellion with a key
ally over the strategy.
South Korea's foreign minister, Yoon Young Kwan,
held a heated meeting with
Secretary of State Colin L. Powell last month in
New York, demanding that
Mr. Bush respond to North Korea's call for security
treaties and a plan for
gradual improvement in economic relations in return
for dismantling any
nuclear facilities. In a twist that angered Mr. Powell,
the South Korean
said his new president, Roh Moo Hyun, would not consider
sending any troops
to aid in Iraq unless the United States gave ground on
North Korea.
Mr. Powell, according to several officials familiar with the
curtly told told him, "That is not how allies deal with each
In a telephone interview on Friday, Mr. Powell declined to
discuss the
meeting. But, he said, "we have some ideas, some interesting
ideas, about
how we can move forward on providing some security assurances to
the North
Koreans that might open up some new possibilities" during Mr.
Bush's trip.
Mr. Bush meets President Roh next week at an Asian summit
meeting in
Bangkok, along with China's president, Hu Jintao, with whom the
States has shared a tremendous amount of highly classified
intelligence in
recent months about the progress of the North's
Unlike Iraq, North Korea is not denying its efforts, but rather
with an enthusiasm that makes many analysts suspicious. Earlier this
the North Korean government said it had solved "all of the
matters" for making weapons.
The debate over what is
actually going on in some ways mirrors the arguments
that unfolded a year ago
over how to interpret contradictory intelligence
about Iraq.
Hawks in
the administration, from the White House to the vice president's
office to
the Pentagon, argue that it is entirely possible that all 8,017
rods stored in North Korea since 1994 have been converted into
bomb fuel.
They note that when the North last turned fuel rods into bombs,
in 1991, they
went undetected by intelligence agencies for years.
Yet the Iraq
experience has bred significant caution among intelligence
agencies, now more
careful than ever about overinterpreting the evidence.
And, as in the case of
the krypton gas, that evidence sometimes seems to
appear, then
"There are lots of ways for the North Koreans to scrub their
facilities and
reduce the amount of krypton that gets out," said a former
official with long experience with the technology. "So measuring
the gas
output is a crummy way of figuring out how much plutonium they
Satellites have detected other suspected facilities,
but that technology is
also not reliable.
"Our knowledge of North
Korea is so limited that you have to sympathize with
the poor intelligence
analysts who have to make sense of all this," said
Joel S. Wit, a former
State Department official who visited a site five
years ago that the C.I.A.
believed was a new reprocessor, only to find a
huge hole in the ground. "The
ramifications of a screw-up are pretty big:
that you've missed a second
facility, or that they have reprocessed and we
haven't picked it up. Either
one of those is a pretty terrifying thought."