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Said to Shift Approach in Talks With North Korea
WASHINGTON, Sept. 4 ・President Bush, in a significant shift in
his approach
to North Korea, authorized American negotiators to say last week
that he is
prepared to take a range of steps to aid the starving nation
gradually easing sanctions to an eventual peace treaty, senior
But, officials emphasized, these inducements would be
phased in slowly only
as North Korea starts surrendering its nuclear weapons,
dismantling the
facilities used to develop them and permitting inspectors
free run of the
The proposals were described to the North
Koreans at the talks, which were
held in Beijing last week. They constituted
a major departure from the
official White House statements earlier this year
that North Korea would see
no benefits from a new relationship until it
shipped all its weapons out of
the country and dismantled all of its nuclear
The North Koreans did not immediately respond to the new
approach, but
American officials said they would continue to follow the
strategy in future
talks, which they expect will resume in October.
adopting the new strategy, the White House apparently acceded to some of
arguments from within the State Department, and from allies like South
that the talks would break down if Washington could not describe some
of how relations could improve.
In a brief telephone conversation this
evening, Mr. Bush's national security
adviser, Condoleezza Rice, disputed the
notion that Mr. Bush was making a
significant change in strategy. She
emphasized that any major benefits to
North Korea would come only after it
could no longer pose a nuclear threat
or rebuild its nuclear
In the past, Ms. Rice has criticized the Clinton
administration's 1994
nuclear freeze agreement with North Korea for giving
the country fuel oil
before it dismantled anything.
But she and other
officials said that Mr. Bush was presented with the new
negotiating strategy
at his ranch in Texas last month, and approved the
specifics after a meeting
of his senior national security aides in late
"We're going to
give these talks a real chance," Ms. Rice said. "This is the
best opportunity
for getting a resolution for a long time." But she quickly
added that "a lot
depends on North Korean behavior."
The latter remark was a clear
reference to North Korea's threat, delivered
at the talks last week, to
conduct a nuclear test and its past threats to
make its supplies of plutonium
available to the highest bidder. In the past,
Mr. Bush has called such
comments "blackmail."
The crucial change in the approach at the Beijing
talks was in providing for
a sequence of rewards to North Korea, according to
a State Department
official who spoke to reporters today and other
Late last year, the White House publicly dismissed the notion
that North
Korea would see any benefits before its entire nuclear
infrastructure was
eliminated. But even then, a behind-the-scenes struggle
was playing out
between State Department officials who favored offering some
rewards to the
North Koreans for intermediate steps and hard-liners in the
Pentagon and the
vice president's office.
That struggle continued, and
officials said the parties were fully engaged
in it up to the time the
negotiators, led by James A. Kelly, the assistant
secretary of state for East
Asian affairs, left for Beijing.
But the senior State Department official
said today that that "we made clear
that we are not seeking to strangle North
Korea," and the negotiators said
"we are willing to discuss a sequence of
denuclearization measures with
corresponding measures on the part of both
That approach, dubbed "more for more," has long been advocated by
the deputy
secretary of state, Richard L. Armitage. But it has been opposed
hard-liners who believe that no agreement with North Korea can ever
trusted, and that it will never give up all aspects of its nuclear