EEE会議(北米大停電: 「停電はいつでも起こるものだ!?」)........................................2003.8.26
るようなものだ」"We'll always have
blackouts. It's like we'll always have
forest fires and automobile
accidents." - DR. ROBERT H. LASSETER, a
professor of electrical and computer
engineering at the University
が、皆様はどうお感じになりますか? コメントをお聞かせください。(少々長文で
and Brain Power Used to Tame an Aging Grid
day-to-day operation of the nation's power grid is, in many respects, a
marvel ・a second-by-second balancing act of the tremendously volatile
known as electricity, a sometimes wicked creature with a mind of its
own that
can cause great damage in a hurry.
The grid, much misunderstood, is not a
programmable network like the phone
system or the Internet. Electricity
cannot be sent from here to there in
nice packages.
Rather, the grid
is like a giant invisible reservoir where the amount of
power being put in at
any moment must match the amount being consumed.
"It's the ultimate
perishable," said Dr. Paul M. Grant, a science fellow at
the Electric Power
Research Institute in Palo Alto, Calif.
That the power grid has suffered
only a handful of major collapses in nearly
half a century is, to many, a
good record. And despite much criticism in the
last 11 days that the grid is
antiquated, the system's transmission towers,
power lines and transformers
are not rusting hulks on the verge of collapse.
However, the damage that
is done when a swath of the United States goes dark
・in public confidence and
economic losses as well as huge inconvenience ・
has kept engineers working on
technology to make the grid more reliable.
Indeed, experts are proposing
billions of dollars of new equipment to
relieve congestion at bottlenecked
electrical junctions on the grid and
improve the system's ability to limit
the damage when something does go
wrong ・concerns that will only increase
with rising power demands.
The new technology includes totally electronic
switches able to divert
electrical flows protectively at moments of crisis.
It also includes
superconducting cables that carry greater quantities of
electricity, which
will allow utilities to add transmission capacity without
building unsightly
transmission towers.
Some of the ideas and
inventions are in place to one degree or another in
certain parts of the
country. Others will soon be tested in pilot projects.
The new technology
is needed in part to respond to the consequences of
deregulation. Power
producers now sell electricity to distant utilities,
putting far more strains
on the grid.
"Many of us call it the largest machine that man has ever
made, and it
serves its purpose admirably well," Dr. Grant said.
he added, "it's confused now because the power flows can come from
direction and go anywhere, and that was not the situation it was
designed for."
With the investigation of the Aug. 14
blackout continuing, no one is yet
sure of its precise cause or how much the
proposed upgrades or improvements
would have helped, if at all. A 100 percent
reliable grid is impossible,
experts say.
"We'll always have
blackouts," said Dr. Robert H. Lasseter, a professor of
electrical and
computer engineering at the University of Wisconsin. "It's
like we'll always
have forest fires and automobile accidents."
Even when a better
technology exists, economics and policy considerations
have sometimes limited
widespread use. Investment in the grid has dropped
sharply in recent
For instance, for three decades, silicon electronic switches have
available as replacements for some of the mechanical circuit breakers
power substations across the country. Electronic switches act more
But a more important advantage is that, unlike mechanical switches,
they can
manage electrical flow more subtly.
Mechanical switches can
only be open or closed, but the electronic switches
can act more like water
valves, letting some of the current through. That
would allow grid operators
to narrow the river of electric current quickly
on an overburdened power line
without shutting it down entirely.
The electronic switches, each about
the size and shape of a hockey puck, can
be wired together to perform fancier
electric transformations that could
vary how much power the substation
injects into the grid.
"You can put in some control on the line," said
John Schwartzenberg,
engineering manager of Silicon Power Corporation of
Exton, Pa., a company
that manufactures the electronic switches.
switches have been tested but not widely deployed because of cost. The
to upgrade a substation is $1 million or more, although upgrades would
necessary only at key points of the grid.
"It's not a minimum investment
by any stretch of the imagination," said Jack
M. Ladden, chief operating
officer of Silicon Power.
By coincidence, on the day of the blackout,
Intermagnetics General
Corporation of Latham, N.Y., announced a $12 million
program to develop a
new type of electronic device to protect power grids
from damaging surges in
current. The federal Department of Energy is
providing half of the
financing, and the Electric Power Research Institute is
also participating.
When a power station suffers a short circuit,
electric currents can jump
from a couple of thousand amperes to 60,000
amperes or more. When a circuit
breaker opens to interrupt the short circuit,
current can arc across the
gap, probably destroying the circuit breaker, and
often escalating the
The new device, called a fault current
limiter, is intended to act as a
brake on the current, allowing the circuit
breaker to operate safely and
limiting damage to the station, and thus
perhaps also restricting the spread
of problems in a city or
Intermagnetics plans to install a prototype at a power substation
in three
The company is also involved in a $26 million project
that will, it hopes,
help address the fundamental question of how to safely
accommodate greater
demands for power ・a 1,150-foot-long cable made of
superconductors to be
added to the power grid in Albany. Superconductors can
carry three to five
times as much power as the copper and aluminum cables in
the country's
transmission lines.
Utilities hope to use
superconducting cables to increase the transmission
capacity in congested
portions of the grid without building
Superconductor cables will be buried underground
and can be laid in the same
corridors that existing transmission towers
Construction of the Albany project will begin next spring with
completion by
fall 2005. Two other superconducting cable projects are also in
the planning
stages, one for Long Island, the other in Columbus,
American Superconductor Corporation of Westborough, Mass., is
leading a
project that will install a half-mile-long superconducting cable
capable of
carrying 600 million watts from a Long Island substation in East
City, N.Y. Completion is also expected in 2005.
With greater
capacity, superconducting cables could allow utilities to build
in more
buffers to handle unexpected failures, experts say. But, Dr.
Lasseter pointed
out, a higher-capacity cable would also cause bigger
ripples if it
Already, one superconducting cable pilot project ・in Detroit ・was
by cracks in the outer protective sheath around the cable that
coolant to leak out. (The superconductors require temperatures of
minus-320 degrees Fahrenheit to work.)
Another way to improve
the reliability of the grid, many in the industry
believe, would be to make
the grid simpler, dividing it back into smaller
regional pieces that are only
loosely connected.
That way, even if a regional grid suffered a total
blackout, the blackout
would be less likely to cascade to neighboring
Texas's power grid, for example, is already largely isolated from
the rest
of the country's. Electrical problems elsewhere would have
cascading into Texas, and problems in the state would not affect
the rest of
the country.
"The complexity is nearly impossible to study
and predict ahead of time,"
Dr. Lasseter said of the current grid that
connects one region of the
country to another. "Ultimately, you've got to
reduce the complexity."
Some experts argue that the grid could be made
less vulnerable by making a
fundamental change in the high-capacity
connections between regional grids.
At present, the electricity pumped along
most of these lines is, like most
of the rest of the grid, in a form known as
alternating current.
Pumping the electricity through these great
connections in direct current
instead, the experts say, would help prevent
the spread of certain types of
problems, like sudden swings in the frequency
of the alternating current.
It was, after all, frequency fluctuations
that caused many power plants to
pull themselves offline on Aug.
In a news conference Friday, Pat Wood III, head of the Federal
Regulatory Commission, said direct current connections would
"interconnectivity through a much more controllable, manageable
device" and
"ought to be part of the technology mix."
Power problems
for any particular part of the country would be further
reduced if the
equivalent of a large rechargeable battery could be
concept has been in operation for 12 years at a site in Alabama
electricity is stored as compressed air. Electrical pumps push air into
underground cavern at pressures up to 1,078 pounds per square inch, or
than 70 times ordinary atmospheric pressure.
The air is later
released and heated to pass through a turbine generator,
turning the stored
energy back into electricity.
Electricity can be similarly stored by
pumping water into reservoirs, but
these strategies are not practical in most
places. Hydrogen fuel cells might
prove useful for power storage in the
future, but that will have to wait.
"It's still pretty
roll-your-eyes-back type of stuff," Dr. Grant said. "It's
something that
needs to be looked at."