EEE会議(Re: イランの核開発とロシアの原子力協力)..............................................2003.8.21 イランの核開発問題については、米国が相変わらず神経を尖らせており、日本にもアザデガン油田開発計画への参加を思いとどまるようプレッシャーをかけてきておりますが、ロシアは、以前からの対イラン原子力協力関係を維持する構えで、ブシェール原発第2号機の建設についても規定方針通り実施する模様です。第2号機は第1号機とほぼ同じで、出力:100万キロワット、建設費:8億ドルとのこと。昨日Bellona財団(ロシア、英国、ノルウェーの3カ国の環境保護団体の経営、本部はオスロ)が、ロシア原子力省スポークスマンの発言として伝えたものです。 ちなみに、この財団のHP(には核・原子力、環境問題に関する重要な情報が沢山載っており、覗いてみる価値は十分あります。ご参考まで。--KK *************************************************** Minatom says it will build second reactor at Bushehr Russian nuclear authorities confirmed today they intend to build a second reactor at the Bushehr site.
This happened despite mounting world pressure on Iran’s nuclear programme to open its doors for more invasive inspections, and the threat of an Israeli military attack on the Moscow-built Bushehr reactor. According to Yury Bespalko, a spokesman for Russia’s Ministry of Atomic Energy, or Minatom, the second reactor?which has already been approved by Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation?will be identical to the first. That first reactor is an $800m, 1000-megawatt light water reactor, which is now slated to go online in 2005. Bespalko said Minatom’s foreign reactor construction wing, Atomstroiproekt, would be building the second reactor for “approximately the same price as the first reactor,” $800m, and that a new influx of Russian nuclear specialists into Iran?which is suspected by the West, and even some security experts and government officials in Russia, of developing a weapons programme?would follow the signing of the new reactor contract between Moscow and Tehran. Bespalko said no date had yet been set for the beginning of construction. |