送信者: "Kumao KANEKO" <kkaneko@eeecom.jp>
件名 : EEE会議(北朝鮮問題と小泉訪米の意義)
日時 : 2003年5月25日 8:28
的Eメール会議から)。論者はInternational Herald Tribune等の常連コラムニスト
Yes, this was obviously a much less tense affair than the Roh visit,
where there was only a joint statement, and no press conference.
(Can one read the state dinner for Philippine president Arroyo - only
the third of the Bush presidency - as anything other than a
calculated snub to Roh?)
But Bush is saying that the US will not tolerate a nuclear North
Korea. And that China has only a short time to pull the rug out from
under the Dear Leader.
If push comes to shove, can anyone doubt that Bush would
indeed 'risk Seoul to save Washington'? This is not the Clinton
administration, ever willing to kick the can down the road. The US
simply cannot live with a North Korea that might sell fissile
material. Whatever it takes.
Bush said this very clearly -"we will not tolerate nuclear weapons in
North Korea". And nobody sensible thinks that arms control
solutions are going to work. The only solution is regime change in
North Korea. And the only chance for peace is for China to realise
the danger in time, and act accordingly.
Japan is also being served notice that it may soon be expected to
take part in the interdiction of North Korean missile exports. And
that will not be without risk. Plus missile defence, which will require
Japan finally to get off the fence and risk 'offending China'.
Rumsfeld has been sending shots across Koizumi's bow with
renewed intensity, for those who care to read the signs. Look at
the timing of a whole series of 'revelations', including the one about
North Korea's reliance on stolen Japanese missile technology -
which Mr Stonehill drew our attention to.
The US has also made it blindingly obvious that it is fed up with
Japan's inability to reform, the way it has been dragging down the
regional and global economy for years, and its penchant for
expecting the US to shoulder the burden. ie the US will not allow
Japan to pursue a cheap yen policy.
Robyn Lim