Subject: EEE会議(Re: 北朝鮮核問題とKEDOの行方)
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 10:40:36 +0900
From: "kkaneko" <>
KEDOの件を見ました。別添は一昨年の会議で 元米国NRCのCommissioner だった
Victor Glinsky氏がKEDO問題について発言した内容をまとめたものです。KEDOの
Incidentally, at the 7th ISODARCO meeting held in Xian in 1998,
Dr. Victor Gilinsky, formerly a commissioner of Nuclear Regulatory
Commission US, made a clear statement on the difficulties of realizing
KEDO project. He pointed out a few points;
1. It is impossible to export the critical components to N.Korea without
having the comprehensive bilateral agreement between US and N.Korea.
Such agreement will never pass the US Congress.
2. First discharge core of fuel from Light Water Reactor has a low burnup,
and it should contain very suitable plutonium for Nuclear bomb in large
quantity. Without having the assurance from N.Korea not to use such
material for weapon, it is impossible to export the nuclear fuel to N.Korea.
3. Having 2 large LWRs (1300MWe each), there is no infrastructure to
distribute such huge amount of electricity and to make use it for peaceful
industrial application.
4. There is no technical guarantee to assure the safe operation of such
complicated equipment in N.Korea. etc.
The conclusion of his statement was that the KEDO project would eventually
fail to achieve its goal. Instead, the West should provide North Korea with
a number of small oil- or gas-fired power plants.