Subject: EEE会議("Atoms for Peace”50周年会議)
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 17:14:30 +0900
From: "kkaneko" <>
の国連総会で、「平和のための原子力」(Atoms for Peace)と題する画期的な演説を
Sample Questions for Panel No. 1
・ The original Atoms for Peace concept envisioned an international
bank of uranium and fissionable material from which nations could draw as
needed for peaceful purposes. Is this approach still relevant for today?
・ Are multilateral approaches to preventing nuclear proliferation
inherently flawed or has their enforcement not been sufficiently aggressive?
・ Many states (Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, Brazil, etc.)
decided not to develop nuclear weapons or dismantled existing programs. How
have recent events ? especially Iraq and September 11 ? affected nations’
restraint calculations?
・ Are multilateral measures needed to avoid the emergence of the
“nuclear crowd” that Albert Wohlstetter envisioned?
・ The Acheson-Lillienthal report introduced the premise that the
pursuit of peaceful nuclear use would invariably lead to its military
development, in spite of pledges to the contrary. Has history borne this
out and is it time to reexamine this premise?
・ What might have been done differently during the past fifty
years to have strengthened the nonproliferation regime, for example, in
enforcement and penalties, expanded safeguards, and technology?
・ Although the US and the former USSR had many thousands of
nuclear weapons during the Cold War, the significant fact is that not one
was used. Isn’t the non-use of nuclear weapons the real issue, not their
possession? Wouldn’t it be better to recognize that some states will
acquire nuclear weapons regardless of attempts to prevent that from
happening, so what we really should do is establish agreements or other
structures that would lessen the probability of their use?
・ Given the realities of today’s world, other than health,
safety, and environmental factors, why should there be any constraints on
any country using or developing civilian nuclear applications?
・ How can the signatories to the NPT approach the problem of
ineffective enforcement? What is needed?
・ What role, if any, has the development of an indigenous nuclear
power industry had in the ability of a country to develop nuclear weapons?