Subject: EEE会議(イラクと北朝鮮問題の関係)
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 17:52:19 +0900
From: "kkaneko" <>
かに危険だ。 ブッシュ政権は北朝鮮が高濃縮ウランで核兵器を作る工場の建設を開
(Text: Senator Kennedy Argues Against War with Iraq)
In his zeal on Iraq, the President has refused to call the situation on
the Korean peninsula what it is -- a genuine crisis. He has refused to
even talk directly to the North Koreans to try to end its nuclear program.
The Administration may even have tried to conceal information about North
Korea. Intelligence analysts at the Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory in California concluded in November 2001 that North Korea had
begun construction of a plant to enrich uranium to use in nuclear weapons.
Yet, the Administration did not reveal this information until eleven
months later, in October 2002 -- after Congress had voted on the
legislation authorizing the use of force in Iraq.
Only the Administration knows if the timing of the release of the
information on North Korea was by design or coincidence. But if the
Administration did conceal its knowledge of North Korea's dangerous
nuclear weapons program until after the Congressional vote on Iraq, it
would represent a breach of faith by our government not seen since the
Vietnam War.
The very real danger is that the Administration is making it more likely
that North Korea will provide nuclear material or even nuclear weapons to
terrorists or nations supporting terrorists. Is war with Iraq worth that