ルの核開発疑惑が再浮上してきました。 かつて20年間に及ぶ軍事政権時代に核兵
の後米国の圧力で撤退)とか言われております。 詳細は次のNew
Resists Plan to Allow Spot Inspection of Nuclear Site
ROHTER, Published: December 28, 2003
BRASILIA, Dec. 27 ? Brazil has
announced that by mid-2004 it expects to join
the select group of nations
producing enriched uranium and that within a
decade it intends to begin
exporting the product. But it is balking at
giving international inspectors
unimpeded access to the plant that will
produce the nuclear
Officials here describe the uranium enrichment effort as entirely
in purpose, aimed at providing fuel far short of weapons grade for
country's nuclear power plants. But they also maintain that as a
nation, Brazil, which has the world's sixth-largest known deposits
uranium, should not be subject to the same regimen of unannounced
inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency that Iran and
have recently accepted.
"All we've got are a couple of
itty-bitty reactors," Roberto Amaral, the
minister of science and technology
in the left-wing government that took
office in January, said in an interview
this month. "It is necessary to be
worried about what goes on out there, not
The issue has come to a boil now because work has concluded on a
enrichment plant that officials say will be ready to begin production
early as next May.
Mark Gwozdecky, a spokesman for the
International Atomic Energy Agency, said
in a telephone interview from the
organization's headquarters in Vienna, "We
are working and have been working
for some time with the government and
authorities in Brazil to develop an
appropriate verification regime for this
new facility," but the agency
otherwise declined comment.
After years of resistance, Brazil adhered to
the Nuclear Nonproliferation
Treaty in 1997 and has since permitted limited,
controlled visits to its
nuclear facilities. But it has refused to approve
the so-called additional
protocol that authorizes spot inspections. Diplomats
here say the
international agency earlier this month sent a letter asking for
a clear,
prompt and definitive response.
During Brazil's military
dictatorship, from 1964 to 1985, the government
clandestinely pursued a
nuclear weapons program. In 1981, Brazil and Iraq
signed a nuclear
cooperation agreement that, according to an I.A.E.A. report
issued last year,
led the government to ship 26.7 tons of uranium dioxide to
Baghdad. In 1989,
the former head of Brazil's nuclear weapons program worked
in Iraq as a
consultant until American pressure forced his recall.
With the return of
democratic civilian rule, Brazil and its historic rival
Argentina jointly
renounced the manufacture of nuclear weapons and set up a
mutual inspection
system. But the Brazilian program continued secretly, and
when a new
government came to power in 1990, it found and destroyed a
shaft built by the Air Force in the heart of the Amazon that
scientists said
had all the characteristics of a nuclear test site.
In addition, the
Brazilian Navy has long been working on a program to build
submarines, which would require a degree of enrichment
higher than that
needed for a power plant.
During the presidential campaign he won last
year, President Luiz Inacio
Lula da Silva criticized the Nonproliferation
Treaty as unjust, saying it
favored countries that already have nuclear
Then, during the new government's first week in office in
January, Mr.
Amaral caused a furor when he argued that Brazil should acquire
the capacity
to produce a nuclear weapon. He backed away from that position
after he was
severely criticized here and in Argentina.
This month Mr.
Amaral publicly criticized the I.A.E.A.'s position on spot
inspections as
"idiotic" and "foolish." But he also said, "We're not
interested in a bomb
and we've never made a bomb or ordered it used in a war
against Argentina, so
we have the moral and ethical authority to talk about
this subject."